Cognos data import

This page explains how to get data from the Cognos EPR Report into CCMDB.accdb and rolled out to collectors.


Tina receives the data in a scheduled, automated email from Chastity every morning as early as possible, usually before 8. The data is then imported into CCMDB.accdb master on Regional server and provided to collectors via regular roll-out and news and backup.

Outlook Rule in Tina's profile to get data to Pagasa

Decision Support Services sends a report to Tina. The report needs to go to Pagasa so we can schedule the automated import on a machine that sits on WRHA network at all times. So, there is an outlook rule "Cognos to Pagasa" in Tina's Outlook profile to forward the email to Pagasa from Chastity.

Importing and rolling out to Data Collectors

Expand this for the scheduled task process that we used to run and hope to run again   

Before the main office moved to work from home, we had a task scheduled on the Data Processor PC to take care of the import and roll-out process as soon as the data arrived.

With work from home we can no longer rely on a PC being available to run this task so it is done manually for now.

Steps to import and roll out

Each morning the Data Processor runs LoadCognos.bat. If the data collector is unavailable, Tina does this. Anyone who has the requisite email in their mailbox would be able to run this, but for now only Lisa receives it as a final fall-back.

What happens in the process

This information is only relevant for troubleshooting and should not usually be done manually.   

Fallback process The import can also be manually run on any computer that has CCMDB.accdb using the Cognos2_Service_Starter#Cognos_Import_Button and the data can be manually sent out to collectors following the same process as Rolling out changes.

When run on Tina's computer the process will roll out any current changes in the local file; if anything was changed, update log saying it has been rolled out!

Newly encountered units or services

If a unit or service is part of the import that is not already in our reference tables, an email will be sent to Tina and Lisa. Lisa will inform Tina what the new unit/service is about and Tina will add it to the master version of CCMDB.accdb accordingly.

Newly encountered units

Newly encountered units need to be added to the s_Cognos_Units table, see more info there about what the fields mean.

If the unit is one we collect then Level of care hierarchy needs to be determined (discuss with the Statistician if not clear) and entries need to be added to Boarding Loc and s_level_of_care table.

Newly encountered services

Newly encountered services need to be added to the s_Cognos_Services table, see more info there about what the fields mean.

If the service is one we collect then it needs to be added to Service tmp entry options.

Known problems with data import

Shared Health Re-boots

The task requires the user be logged in. If Shared Health re-boots the computer over night, the task won't run until Pagasa logs on.

CFE or TISS28.accdb left open on Pagasa's PC

CFE and TISS28.accdb needs to be closed at the end of the work day on Pagasa's computer. The update process needs to download the newest version of CCMDB.accdb from the Regional Server before it runs so that it doesn't overwrite the master version with an older version from Pagasa's PC. This download of the newest version is blocked when CFE is open.

Problem Log

The VBA logs its progress to a log file \\\wrha\REGION\Shared\ICU_DATA_COLLECTION\Maintenance\ccmdb_log.txt

  • 2021-03-04 - Pagasa provided screen shot of error "Error in sub notify_about_new_Congos: The operation failed. The messaging interfaces have rerutned an unknown error. If the problem persists, restart Outlook. - -2147467259"
    • This happened when PC was rebooted at the end of the day before, locked in and then left like that over night.
detailed log   
  • 2020-Nov-10 - email was delayed to 9:17, then rolled out ok
  • 2020-Nov-09 - Pagasa is away and the updater task has failed on her PC; Tina will do it manually until Pagasa comes back
  • 2020_Oct_23 - Chastity report came late @ 08:46, Run manually cognos.
  • 2020_Oct_21 - Chastity email -ETL failed last night so there will be no report today. No new cognos.
  • 2020_Oct_9 - task was stuck because CFE was open
  • 2020_Oct_8 - Task schedule did not run because computer were rebooted by EHealth overnight.
  • Pagasa changed the Task schedule so it does not run on weekends. Concern will be this long weekend and the task may hang because data from email not deleted before it runs on Tues AM.
  • 2020-Oct-6 & 7 - Tuesday - ran at 0740. No issues.

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