L CCI Picklist subform
The L_CCI_Picklist subform in the ICD10 tab of the Patient Viewer in CCMDB.accdb is used (together with L_CCI_Component subform) to enter the CCI Picklist data for CCI Collection.
Form elements
- button to sort alphabetically
- button to sort by date
- CCI_Picklist_Code
- #Duplicator (the "2x" button)
- "*" button to set Px_Date to today
- "+" button to increase Px_Date by one day
- "-" button to decrease Px_Date by one day
- Px_Date
- Px_Type
- Px_Count
Duplicator (the "2x" button)
The 2x button will make a twin of the record on which it was clicked, with date = date+1. This is useful for repeat entries like debridements.
TISS buttons
Any questions or suggestions about this form in CCMDB.accdb
eg. sorting, colouring, formatting, dropdowns, etc...
Please put questions into the specific articles e.g. Px_Date, or general questions into CCI Collection.