The Primary Admit Dx is the dx most responsible for an admission to that unit/ward. See Dx Primary for details on how it is collected.
- When there are multiple competing diagnosis choose the diagnosis that is the most severe or responsible for the admission. At times this may be difficult to determine, use your best clinical judgment based on the documentation.
- If multiple trauma is part of the admit diagnosis, then among this group of linked ICD10 codes, the Primary Admit Diagnosis would be either the Multiple trauma or the "worst" thing injured, e.g. Brain injury, diffuse (TBI), injury/trauma
The concept is used by the following indicators:
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Related articles
Related articles:
- L Dxs table (← links)
- High dose chemotherapy as primary admit (← links)
- CCMDB.mdb Change Log 2008 (← links)
- Admit Diagnosis (← links)
- Green sheet (← links)
- Panelling or Discharge Planning (← links)
- Respiratory Arrest (← links)
- Line Insertion only as Primary reason for admit (← links)
- Desensitization (ASA, Antibiotic, Plavix) (← links)
- Re-sort button (← links)
- CCMDB.mdb Change Log 2015 (← links)
- Query L Dxs w primary (← links)
- Auto Data Dictionary (← links)
- Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2018 (← links)
- Conversion from our old diagnosis schema to ICD10/CCI (← links)
- L ICD10 table (← links)
- ICD10 collection (← links)
- Combined ICD10 codes (← links)
- Spinal cord compression (← links)
- Perforation of tympanic membrane (eardrum) (← links)
- Hemopericardium (← links)
- Cardiac arrest (← links)
- Respiratory failure (insufficiency) NOS, acute (← links)
- Muscle, strain (← links)
- Rib, fracture, injury/trauma (← links)
- Flail chest, injury/trauma (← links)
- Thorax, bones NOS, fracture, injury/trauma (← links)
- Thorax, joints or ligaments, dislocation/sprain/strain, injury/trauma (← links)
- Spinal cord, thoracic (T-spine), injury/trauma (← links)
- Nerve root, thoracic spinal cord, injury/trauma (← links)
- Thorax, nerves NOS, injury/trauma (← links)
- Aorta, thoracic, injury/trauma (← links)
- Superior vena cava (SVC), injury/trauma (← links)
- Thorax, blood vessels NOS, injury/trauma (← links)
- Heart, wound/injury/trauma (← links)
- Pneumothorax, traumatic (← links)
- Hemothorax, traumatic (← links)
- Lung NOS, wound/injury/trauma (← links)
- Trachea or bronchus (airways) NOS, wound/injury/trauma (← links)
- Esophagus, wound/injury/trauma (← links)
- Intrathoracic organ/structure NOS, wound/injury/laceration (← links)
- Thorax NOS, wound/injury/trauma (← links)
- Abdomen or lower back or pelvis, superficial injury/trauma (minor, contusion) (← links)
- Abdomen or lower back or pelvis, soft tissues, open wound, injury/trauma (← links)
- Vertebra, lumbar (L-spine), fracture, injury/trauma (← links)
- Pelvis, fracture, injury/trauma (← links)
- Lumbar spine or pelvis, joints or ligaments, dislocation/sprain/strain, injury/trauma (← links)
- Spinal cord, lumbar (L-spine), injury/trauma (← links)
- Nerve root, lumbar spinal cord, injury/trauma (← links)
- Abdomen or lower back or pelvis, nerves NOS, injury/trauma (← links)