ICU Acquired Sepsis

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Number of Septic-Sepsis cases per 1000 ICU patient days

Indicator: ICU Acquired Sepsis
Created/Raw: Created
Program: Critical Care
Start Date:
End Date:
Reports: Critical Care Program Quality Indicator Report, WRHA ICU Hospital-Acquired Conditions

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Sampling Plan / Procedure

100 % of all patients will be monitored for acquired Sepsis.

Inclusion Criteria


Exclusion Criteria



  • Recorded once per patient
  • On quarterly basis based on discharge dates, tabulate the number of cases on acquired and total number of patient days or Total ICU_LOS in Length of Stay (ICU Report)

Definition and Derivation

Number of Severe sepsis cases per 1000 ICU patient days

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Number of new ICU Sepsis acquired cases


Total ICU_LOS in Length of Stay (ICU Report)

Data Sources

  • Starting 2019, Sepsis is part of the ICD10 collection with codes R57.2, R65.0, R65.1 under the Acquired Diagnosis / Complication.
  1. Sepsis (SIRS due to infection, without acute organ failure)
  2. Severe sepsis
  3. Shock, septic
  • Before 2019, Sepsis include Septic Shock (old code 44) and Severe Sepsis (old code 45) and saved in table L_Dxs

SAS Program

  • The SAS program to get the Sepsis is X:\Julie\SAS_CFE\CFE_macros\
  • The SAS program to get the LOS is X:\Julie\SAS_CFE\CFE_macros\ and ( or )

Report Users

Critical Care Directors, Critical Care Unit Managers and WRHA Outcome Improvement Team Committee

SAS Program

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