Output for TMSX and MedTMS
When sending patients from CCMDB.mdb, among other things data is generated for import into TMSX via the PDA Uploader.
File name and location
For Medicine:
- Regional Server\Output\<hosp>_<ward>\M_<batch#>_<hosp>_<ward>_<initials>.csv
- e.g. Regional Server\Output\HSC_B3\M_33_HSC_B3_PS.csv
For Critical Care:
- Regional Server\Output\<hosp>_<ward>\C_<batch#>_<hosp>_<ward>_<initials>.csv
- e.g. Regional Server\Output\HSC_SICU\C_1_HSC_SICU_tt.csv
Data Format
The format of that data is defined by the queries EdsCC and EdsMed. This format is constrained by what the PDA Uploader expects. Even small changes such as the number of decimal digits can cause the uploader to fail. Great care must be taken with any changes.