Disorder of lung, NOS
ICD10 Diagnosis | |
Dx: | Disorder of lung, NOS |
ICD10 code: | J98.4 |
Pre-ICD10 counterpart: | Restrictive Lung Disease, Other respiratory problems |
Charlson/ALERT Scale: | none |
APACHE Como Component: | Respiratory |
APACHE Acute Component: | none |
Start Date: | |
Stop Date: | |
External ICD10 Documentation |
This diagnosis is a part of ICD10 collection.
Additional Info
- Includes "restrictive lung disease NOS"
- Excludes: "Lung nodules NYD"; if they were not NYD we would code them as what they are; since we don't know, they should be coded as Lung, diagnostic imaging, abnormal.
- There is not separate ICD10 code for a bronchopleural fistula. So to code this one should combine: Disorder of lung, NOS and Pleural disorder, NOS. IF, as is usually the case when these fistulas are spontaneous (rather than caused iatrogenically or by trauma), it is due to lung infection or abscess, then that code should also be combined with these; and also code Empyema (pyothorax) if present, combining it with the others.
Alternate ICD10s to consider coding instead or in addition
Candidate Combined ICD10 codes
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