COVID Designated Ward

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This page only listed the COVID designated wards (positive and suspects) at HSC, STB and Grace across time of the COVID pandemic season.

Start and End Dates

  • Put newest entry at the top (Julie, I think)
    • that's not how it was entered, and might not be the best way to maintain consistency... I think better added by hosp and then alphabetically, easier to prevent double entries that way. How it is actually sorted later is a different issue, since the table has sorting buttons. Ttenbergen 11:40, 2020 October 29 (CDT)
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Hospital Ward Type Start Date Ending Date Comments
STB A7SO COVID Suspect 2020-Nov-2 ?? 10 bed
STB B4NO displaced ?? ?? unit currently in use for displaced E6B patients, enter as STB-boarding with Med B service
HSC D4 COVID Positive 2020-Mar-20 2020-May-25 Labeled HSC_D4_C in the database during the first wave
HSC D2 COVID Suspect 2020-Apr-3 2020-May-12 This ward is a mix of different medicine patients ie. H, D, A, unkknown, and nephrology patients
STB A6GY COVID Positive 2020-Mar-26 2020-June-10 Labeled STB_E6_C in the database during first wave
GRA 5S COVID Positive 2020-Apr-15 2020-May-15 Labeled GRA_5S_C in the database during the first wave
GRA N5 COVID Suspect 2020-Apr-15 2020-May-15 This ward is a mix of different medicine patients ie. 3S, 2S, and 3N patients
HSC B2 COVID Positive 2020-Oct-09 ??-??-?? HSC does not have a COVID suspect ward, mixed services admit here
HSC JKL3 COVID Positive 2020-Oct-08 (medicine ward) 2020-Oct-09 Reopened Nov 4, 2020 as MICU overflow of COVID + patients
STB A6GY COVID Positive 2020-Oct-3 ??-??-??
STB E6 COVID Positive 2020-Oct-22 ??-??-??
STB A6S COVID Suspect 2020-Oct-3 ??-??-?? Second wave covid suspect unit
STB A6S COVID Suspect 2020-Mar- 2020-Jun-11 First wave covid suspect unit
GRA 5S COVID Positive 2020-Oct-09 ??-??-??
GRA 5N COVID Suspect & medicine 2020-Oct-?? ??-??-?? regular medicine patients, COVID SUS; isolation capacity for 1 COVID POS (and was used for this prior to 5S opening)
GRA 2S, 4N Medicine Overflow 2020-Oct-?? ??-??-?? surgery ward used to offload medicine patients (from 3N, 3S, 5N); unsure if used by other medicine units? We're only tracking the ones coming from units we collect for.
GRA gen. info COVID Suspect ??-??-?? ??-??-?? our regular medicine wards (3N, 3S, 5N) have always had and continue to have COVID SUS patients admitted. 3N & 3S receive patients who are isolated but are likely not COVID POS (symptoms related to illness or other condition NOT COVID). Those who are isolated and swabbed with strong suspicion of COVID are admitted to 5N.
HSC D5 COVID ?? ??-??-?? ??-??-?? moved here from Boarding Loc to prevent duplication
HSC D5_P COVID ?? ??-??-?? ??-??-?? moved here from Boarding Loc to prevent duplication
HSC H4H COVID ?? ??-??-?? ??-??-?? moved here from Boarding Loc to prevent duplication
  • remants of duplicate info probably remain in the pages in Category:2020 COVID unit transition and should be moved here to avoid duplication. Ttenbergen 12:04, 2020 October 29 (CDT)
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other info

  • here is some more messy info from other pages I am moving here because it is either out-of-date or out-of-place or possibly both where it was. It may need to be integrated somehow if we want it in the table above

As of 2020-04-01 at HSC all CC patients with an "unknown" contact history (even traumas and emergent OR's) are admitted to MICU first, and once their COVID swab comes back negative they are moved to SICU where they normally would be admitted (tracked in ICUotherService).

To show that a patient like this is in MICU rather than SICU, code Observation for suspected infection NOS with COVID-19 (SARS-COV-2) as one of the later codes.

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