Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2023
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Also see Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2022
ICU Database Task Group Meeting – Jan 11, 2023
Copied here as starting point for 2023, please edit/overwrite
- Present: Allan, Gail, Julie, Michelle, Mindy, Stephanie, Tina, Val, Pagasa, Mailah
- Minutes prepared by: AG
- Action items in BOLD
1. Transition to Database Server#Shared Health - Nothing new about either of the possible alternative options for hosting the database.
2. Controlling Dx Type for ICD10 codes - Regarding the task to improve data collector diagnosis assignment into the 3 "bins" of admission diagnosis, acquired diagnosis and comorbid diagnosis.
- Lisa indicated that for a first pass on this, she will distribute all the codes among all the collectors.
3. New item: Clarification of Pulmonary emphysema or bullous disease without COPD. Allan modified this Wiki entry to make it clearer.
4. New item: Regarding Sudden cardiac death (and died)
- After discussion we recognized that we have no need to specifically code patients' cause of death. We know it occurred by virtue of the Dispo field. Thus we agreed to remove this item from the list of ICD-10 codes, and to have Julie go into all records where it has been recorded and remove it. Allan modified the Wiki page also.
5. New question: It was noticed that an error occurs if a diagnosis of Influenza is recorded (which is an implied bug) and one attempts to combine it with a Nosocomial problem code. Tina will fix this.
6. Followup item from long ago: Seeking to get ABGs at Grace Hospital to be included in the Lab Info System (LIS).
- The last time we tried for this, in 2015, the resp therapy group at Grace was not interested in being required to manually logging this information into LIS, as IS done at HSC and St. B.
- We think they may be more open to it now -- so Allan will ask Heather Smith to raise it with them.
- If they indeed now are willing, then Allan will talk to Dr. Soroko about getting it implemented.
8. Next Task meeting January 11, 2023 at 11 am
Also see Task Team Meeting - Rolling Agenda and Minutes 2022