Culling backups
We will only keep backups from major change versions long term.
push/pull backup culling
Only the last month of backups generated by Pull down centralized data.vbs and Push up centralized data.vbs should only be kept, so about once a month records older than one month should be deleted from:
- \\\wrha\HSC\shared\WRHA\WRHA_CCMED\Backup\PHI (do phi first, it's faster)
- \\\wrha\HSC\shared\WRHA\WRHA_CCMED\Backup\Centralized_data (this one can take a minute or so to delete)
- 2024-01-15 purged Ttenbergen 11:23, 2024 January 15 (CST)
PHI process backups
The original .csv files generated by the sending process that are automatically imported into PHI.mdb are backed up into an archive folder. Records older than 1 month should be cleaned out of there about once a month.
- 2024-01-15 purged Ttenbergen 11:23, 2024 January 15 (CST)