Notes field
There is a Notes field on the laptop and in the CCMDB.mdb for every file. This field is used by data collectors to keep notes during collection. The notes field expands to a bigger form when you double-click on it.
- The contents of the notes field are not sent as part of the Output_for_TMSX_and_MedTMS and is therefore not imported into Master Critical CareTMSX or the Medicine MedTMS however, as about April 2013, contents of Centralized data.mdb field is now being sent to the new Centralized data.mdb.
Usage of the notes field
The notes field was set up to be a free-for-all where collectors can store any info they want. This resulted in non-standardized collection practices which result in problems during vacation coverage or on shared wards.
Patients being sent
For patients you are ready to send, make sure you note explanations for data values that you think might cause call-backs from the Data Processor or Statistician. For example:
- Extreme data that was confirmed as correct, e.g:
- Sys BP of 50 valid
- VRE +ve but not on isolation
- tasks for renal transplant patients that do not follow the norm
- Pagasa, Trish, or everyone, do you have other suggestions for this? Ttenbergen 16:19, 9 November 2010 (CST)
- I have no problem deleting information that is not pertinent to the data base prior to sending the completed ones--PStein 10:53, 10 November 2010 (CST)
Up-to where/when collection is complete
- where we have left off
- It's interesting that you'd like to know what method I use to keep track of how far I have gotten in a chart when doing reviews, since there has been a bit of controversy just this morning from one of our doc's regarding this very issue. It has been my practice to make a small mark with a yellow highlighter in the margin of the ipn (integrated progress notes) notes, at the last note that I have read. The next time I go back to review the chart, I look for the yellow highlighter mark. I have now had two of our doc's complain about the tiny unobtrusive mark. Any other suggestions that can be used that will keep our doc's happy, would be much appreciated. Thanks. DPageNewton 17:46, 28 September 2010 (CDT)
Diagnoses or other data that needs to be reviewed or checked
also to state if the diagnosis is not confirmed yet etc.
- diagnosis is still unclear as they are waiting for further tests or results
- Template:Discussion should such a dx be entered and noted in notes, or not entered until confirmed and tracked in notes instead? Ttenbergen 16:26, 9 November 2010 (CST)
Supplemental data
- track all lab and pharmacy manually, the notes save time in that it eliminates the need to go back & recount.
- to clearly define some admit diagnoses-the ones that come up as other problems, other problems when you enter them.
- to enter info on base creatinine, bmi, or other tidbits of info that are useful to know.
- to define what exactly needs to be entered, when a profile is only partially completed.
- Template:Discussion How much of this extra data really makes collection easier? Ttenbergen 16:26, 9 November 2010 (CST)