Laptop Setup

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For info on how to set up a new collector, see Setting up a New Data Collector


Digital Health portion

They need to set up the laptop according to their own instructions they keep losing. The instructions are stored on their Sharepoint and we don't have access to them. Documentation used to be in Support Documents library, Configuration Specification category but may not be there any more. Brandon Deamel might be able to help the desktop person find them.

Details keep changing, but part of the trick is that the laptop needs to be in the OU "Standard/applications/CCMDB laptops" (as of 2025-01) to give rights to public desktop and to set trusted directories etc.

Make the following directories; you may need to ask Digital Health to make them since default rights don't allow making directories on C:\

  • C:\ccmdb_data
  • C:\ccmdb_data\ccmdb_batches
  • C:\ccmdb_program
  • and the appropriate printer from Printers - ask to set up local printer as per Printer, for all users
  • Wireless networking - the laptop used to need to be added to some OU to make this work; this may no longer be the case
  • Category:Hospital EPR - laptop has to be added to some OU to make that work

Portion with collector logged in

Collector or someone in OU DAT_REGION_ICU_DATA_COLLECTION needs to be logged in for this.


  • printer
  • test news and backup
    • if problem confirm/change location settings
      • right-click edit the icon, make sure line starting with set ml= has the correct location in it
  • wiki link
  • confirm autoupdates are enabled in Firefox

Net New laptops

If the laptop is net new (ie not a replacement) the following pages might be relevant:

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