HSC Critical Care Collection Guide

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See also:

Information relevant to all HSC ICU collectors

Special serial number apply, see Serial Numbers article, Heading "Serial numbering for HSC_ICU (MICU, SICU, CCU, IICU)".

HSC MICU/CCU Collection Guide

MICU/CCU The unit is divided into three sections:

  • front 1-10
  • back 11-15 and 19-20
  • CCU 16,17,18

There are two main desk front and back.The filled in TISS sheets green sheets and test information will be kept in a white binder at each desk.The TISS sheets still in progress will be on a clip board at each desk. Test information is kept for 5 days and then the collector can discard into confidential waste.

There is a Black log book for all MICU patients kept at the front desk. Do not change the numbers as the unit keeps their own data on patients and the numbers collectors use are different.

The green log book for CCU is kept at the back desk.CCU patients are identified by green marker over the serial number on the collector's data collection log and by writing CCU in the index beside the log number.On May 1,2015 we discontinued the shared number system. Numbers are sequential for patients logs.

A white board by the front desk lists the patients. It also lists who is on the transfer list and other valuable info.

TISS sheets are handed in to the main office when the page is checked, no need to wait for the file to be complete.

Echo dates need to be obtained from the chart and are often done in this unit.

Green Sheets are kept on the rounds table. Collectors should check daily to make sure each patient has one stamped up. The clerks are very good at this but occasionally one gets missed.After your pt file is complete the green sheets can be discarded into confidential waste.We no longer hand these in to the main office.

If a MICU patient overflows into another unit, it is still MICU patient in the location on the laptop. Return to the MICU is not a transfer.

Order charts to Shelf 59 medical records (it has been changed from audit 59 september 2014)Limit to 20 charts.This is specfic to HSC as space is extremely limited!

Some of the ward clerks in MICU can and will order the TISS and green sheets if you ask them. This specific to this unit at HSC.Pagasa will also order TISS forms. It really depends on which ward clerk is working on the day you see them getting low.Monitor to see if they are getting low.


If patients are transferred to the wards the medication records may be in the nurses Mar binder or in a thinned chart.The ward clerks will help locate these thinned charts.

25% Albumin is often given and is often not on the intake and output sheet but sometimes will be found on the medication record. Cross reference the blood administration record may be helpful .

Transfer Ready date and time

Transfer times

To determine transfer times for patients arriving from HSC units/wards the first set of vital signs is the guide.

  • Template:Discussion first set of vital signs, is this the same that other ICU use for transfer time into ICU?
    • This a site specific guide not rule. If more accurate times that are earlier than the vital signs are charted use I use that time.I don't know what other ICU's do but the ward clerks often write times in the logbook that are not accurate.GHall 06:52, 2015 May 12 (CDT)

HSC Medicine collectors at HSC can find the transfer time by looking at the first set of vital signs in ICU. Unless there is a clearly documented time elsewhere in the chart the ward transfer time is usually 10 minutes prior to first set of vitals. It is a rare occurrence that those vital signs are not done. Collectors do need to be careful as there can several pages for 1 day.

STB CCU is used as a bed borrow sometimes post angio and then patients are sent to HSC CCU. The only way to tell if it was a bed borrow or not at STB is to look for a nursing transfer record or check our data base's Transfer Tracker.mdb.

If patients overflow in to SICU they remain MICU data collectors patients.Surgical patients that come to MICU under the MICU attending care are also the MICU collector's patients.

HSC SICU Collection Guide

Log Book

The SICU log census book is kept at the South Nursing station. This is seen when first entering the unit. The log is in a shelf at the desk, next to the Unit Clerk. The binder with the completed TISS and Record of Special Treatment and Test sheets is in the same shelf. The test sheets are a good source for admission and discharge dates and times that may not have been put into the log book. Patients who were not entered into the log book may also be found here, especially after a weekend as they may have float clerks who will not know to do the entry. Another way to discover unlogged patients is by looking at the TISS sheets collected in the binder if the patient has already been discharged.

Green Sheets

The Green sheets are in a binder on the Rounds Table. When not being used in Rounds, it is usually kept in the side corridor which will leads to the new hotel. Completed Green Sheets are left at the front of the binder after the patient is discharged. Next to the desk at the North nursing station is an upright set of shelves which has a space for the TISS and Green sheets which the data collector keeps stocked.

Work Space

  • There is a desk space next to the FAX machine at the South desk that may be vacant for a workspace, but there is no electrical outlet available.
  • There is a larger space at the North Nursing Station which may be free. There are electrical outlets there and a computer which accesses KEA.

Coding for OR events during admission

See Coding for OR events during admission

( Depending on how that article pans out it may end up back here, or the link might be moved up to ICU instructions or the general curriculum.Ttenbergen 22:39, 2013 August 26 (CDT))


The admission time for a patient admitted from PACU may not be entered accurately in the log book if they have been held in PACU due to lack of space. Always check to ensure the time used for the database is accurate. The SICU physician will enter the admission to SICU on the order sheet and that is considered the time of admission. Any extra time in PACU is then considered overflow in PACU.

Patient Type


If a patient overflows into another unit, it is still called by its home unit in the location, and the number must be taken from the home unit log. The data is collected by the collector where the patient resides and put onto the home unit database. Return to the home unit is not a transfer.

If a patient is overflowed into PACU, SICU follows them there. The PACU staff do not complete TISS sheets and transfers out may not get into the log book so must be followed up by the Data Collector.


Rounds start at 09:00 so the chart may not be available at that time. On Wednesdays Rounds start an hour or 2 later.


  • These numbers are collected from ICU flowsheets.
  • Admit Type for APACHE II. At HSC, this info is found on the white typed OR sheet. This form also indicated the start and end times, type procedure, etc. (Not the Anesthetic Record).
  • The best source for the GCS is the admitting RN's notes.
    • ICU Addendum sheets no longer exist. All entries start on the ICU flowsheets.


These are kept at each bedside and have

  • the current Flowsheet
  • possibly the Flowsheet for the day before for reference during Rounds
  • the MARs


The charts are kept at each bedside. Lab sheets are usually in the chart.

Thinned charts and old charts are kept above the desk by the FAX machine at the South Desk.

Charts of deceased or transferred patients are not kept in the Unit for the Data Collector.

  • Template:Discussion Where will they find them? This should probably go into article HSC General Collection Guide instead if it applies to all of HSC.
  • Like all of the hospital units,the charts of deceased patients go to Med. Records, but are sent immediately from SICU unless the doctor has not completed his entries.--Jpeterson 08:38, 2015 May 13 (CDT)


  • The infusion drugs are listed under the vital signs and not on the MAR's. The IV med's given are listed on the Fluid Balance section of the Flowsheet, as wellas any colloid. The colloids should be in red, but are not always. The number of the unit may be listed, but not the type, e.g. FFP vs PRB. This may require checking the Blood Admin record for clarification.

Antibiotic counting

  • When counting antibiotics, be sure to check the yellow STAT sheet for antibiotic boluses.
  • STAT sheets for meds are used throughout HSC. I cannot comment about other centres.--Jpeterson 08:37, 2015 May 13 (CDT)


There was a reference to where labs were listed but I lost it. Please replace this section with where they are documented.

  • at the top of this article there are links to ICU Curriculum. The HSC ICU collection guide article only needs to contain info that is unique to HSC ICU.
  • I will take this article and link out about labs here.

HSC IICU Collection Guide

If the patients come from a surgical area the SICU data collector will collect on them but they will be typed as medical patients.

A test book is kept on the shelf behind the main desk and completed TISS and green sheets are kept there.

TISS are kept on the clipboards at the bedside. You really have to watch the dates and numbers on these as time goes on it is easy to get mixed up!

Collect the TISS and hand it in as soon as the page is complete. TISS sheets are filled in poorly in this unit, management is aware.