CCU Service Tracking

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Revision as of 14:57, 2015 May 27 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (links)
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We want to know how much of the load of the STB MICU is due to which service.

Data Collection Instructions

For each patient occupying a STB MICU bed, enter the service they are admitted under. If the service changes during the stay, enter the new service as well.

  • Project: CCU_Service
  • Item: CCU or MICU
  • start_dt: date of admission/service change
  • start_tm: date of admission/service change

Start/End Dates

  • Start: not yet determined
  • End: there is no planned end date

Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks

  • each STB_MICU pt has to have at least one?
  • no pt not STB_MICU can have any?
  • Same service in consecutive sequence should not be allowed .

What if there is more than one


  • Julie said: More than one CCU or MICU scenario – we need a label or counter maybe under the integer (say 1- first case, 2- second case and so on) to be explicit. Or we can be implicit by just looking at the dates sequence but there will be a problem when DC change any previously entered date(s).
    • I don't understand the scenario you describe. Are you concerned about accidental, unintended edits by collectors? Either way, wouldn't the entry still be consistent even if the date were edited? Ttenbergen 14:54, 2015 May 27 (CDT)

See also

see also STB Cardiac Care patients