2016 Time and Place changes
Our current system of collecting admit and discharge information is convoluted because it has slowly evolved and never really been updated since the start of collection. We have looked at all the fields involved (incl. concepts like "AMA") and are planning to implement a new system sometime next year. Please have a look at the new system below. We are looking forward to comments. If you see something that will be ambiguous or likely unavailable during your collection, make sure you let us know. Like all changes this will cause some disruption. As you review it, try to think of it from the perspective of a new collector you are training. We are hoping that, from that perspective at least, the new system will be clearer than the old. Many of the fields will draw from a table s_Dispo.
Pre-acute living situation field
One of the following:
- home (possibly broken into apartment, house, supportive housing, assisted living, etc)
- Template:Discussion Julie will confirm with Dr Roberts whether granularity is required.
- Personal Care Home
- Chronic Health Facility (ie Deel Lodge, River View, St Amant)
- homeless
- Prison / Jail / Correctional Institution
- other
- location missing/unknown
Pre-admit Inpatient Institution field
If the "Previous" location field contains a "temporary" location like an ER, OR or Cath Lab you will need to enter the "Previous Inpatient Location" field. This will be a dropdown that allows an appropriate subset of the contents of s_dispo.
Previous Location field
The "Previous Location" is very similar to the current "Admit From" field, essentially the last physical location the patient was before being admitted to your collection location. This will be a dropdown that allows an appropriate subset of the contents of s_dispo.
Admit DtTm field
The time of the change from "Pre-admit Inpatient Institution" to "Service/Location". Date and Time combined in single field with form to edit.
Previous Service field
For all patients admitted from within the current institution (or another where we collect?) , the service they were with before. Dropdown as current Service Sending to ICU:
- Cardiac surgery
- Cardiology
- Family Medicine
- General surgery
- Medicine
- Neurosurgery
- Ob/Gyne
- Ortho surgery
- Plastic surgery
- Psych
- Thoracic surgery
- Urologic surgery
- Vascular surgery
- z_not applicable
Service DtTm field
The time of the change from "Previous Service" to "Service/Location". Date and Time combined in single field with form to edit.
Service/Location field
Collection location a patient is admitted to, very similar to current "Location" field. This will be a dropdown that allows an appropriate subset of the contents of s_dispo. Patients boarding on other wards or units are coded as the home unit. Collectors can use "record" field for tracking actual location.
Discharge DtTm
The time patient physically changes to the state in the dispo field. Date and Time combined in single field with form to edit.
Dispo field
Disposition of patient upon leaving unit/ward. Could be another ward or home or a state like AMA, deceased, organ donor. This will be a dropdown that allows an appropriate subset of the contents of s_dispo.
S_Dispo table
Put contents here when ready
- is "copy patient demographics for questioning" button relevant to this?
- Address all questions in S dispo table and S dispo legacy codes table
- do we need a dispo concept for PCH in addition to what is available?