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This is a legacy article only. Medicine is no longer being backed 
up because no longer used. Centralized backup gets taken care of 
by the Pull down centralized data.vbs and 
Push up centralized data.vbs scripts instead. 

1Backup.bat is a batch file created by p:Tina Tenbergen that calls several other batch files that should be run together:

Running 1Backup.bat is part of the following processes:

  • vetting actually it is not but that is the closest thing; turns out that 1Backup duplicates part of pulling and pushing... Ttenbergen 16:45, 2014 April 30 (CDT)

NOTE: if an error message shows; cannot find a file, must check if Pull down centralized data.vbs to local desktop. The backup must only be run AFTER Push up centralized data.vbs, otherwise Centralized data.mdb is not backed up.

Location of Log file of 1backup


  • Sorry.....I can't run to 3 different articles to find out where to log files lives for this batch file. Nice to see where it lives in this article. Had issues the other day and Pagasa has gone and we can't find it on Wiki. Trish Ostryzniuk 18:46, 2014 April 30 (CDT)
    • I understand your point, but these are three different batch files that were grouped for convenience. Duplication of info on wiki - nuff said. If there is never a reason to run the batch files separately we could combine the actual files, in which case the log info would also be addressed in one place. However, considering that the whole concept will change once we move from Ed's I think we should just leave this as is for now. After the traffic relating to this over the last few days we should likely re-visit. However, it would be nice to have Pagasa's process documentation up-to-date first so we can make sure the automation fits as well as possible. Ttenbergen 21:57, 2014 April 30 (CDT)