CC backup.bat
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This page contains Legacy Content.
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This is a legacy article only. Medicine is no longer being backed
up because no longer used. Centralized backup gets taken care of by the Pull down centralized data.vbs and Push up centralized data.vbs scripts instead.
This batch file creates a compressed archive using 7Zip of Critical Care data files from C:\TMSX\data and subsequently stores the archive in a date-time stamped directory, e.g.,
M:\ccmis_backup\CritBackup\2010-10-29_10-23-34\ (full address: \\\wrha\HSC\shared\WRHA\WRHA_CCMED\ccmis_backup\CritBackup\2010-10-29_10-23-34\
Files included in the backup:
The batch file is located in C:\ccmis_backup on the main data processing computer. A backup copy is located in S:\MED\CCMED\S:\MED\CCMED\ccmis_backup\Copy of batch files on Pagasa C drive. It is run once daily by the Data Processor. Each time the batch is run a log file is also generated and is located at C:\ccmis_backup\logs.