Bed Census Data Processing Instructions
Also know as whiteboard. Data source from:
Legacy Content
This page contains Legacy Content.
- Explanation: discontinued 024-12-06
- Successor: Provincial Capacity Management Dashboard
Click Expand to show legacy content.
Critical Care in WRHA
- Persons Responsible: The Statistician of the Critical Care Database as assigned by the Critical Care Director
- Since there is only one SAS license and only at the Statistician computer, the processing is done by the Statistician .
Start Date
May 3, 2012
End Date
- Jan 5, 2025 - HSC clerk last date of entry in the Whiteboard.
- Jan 6, 2025 - the Provincial Dashboard start date
- Dec 16, 2024 - last date of update in the WRHA Critical Care Daily Bed Census-Ver2020.mdb
What is the purpose of processing the bed census data?
The downloaded data from the Bed census Website contain one or more data collection times in a day for each unit. Only one daily data is needed in the Bed census database and the time that was agreed upon is 2:00 p.m.. The individual site ICUs are asked to submit and fax their bed census data at 2:00 am and 2:00 pm and every time there is a change in bed census. However upon receipt of the faxed forms, it takes some time for the HSC clerk to enter the faxed information. So in order to capture the 2:00 pm data, the data before and closest to 3:00 pm is extracted from the downloaded data.
- Data includes Total Open Staffed Bed, Ventilated and Non-ventilated patients, Empty beds, Off-unit and Off-service patients, Pending Admissions and Transferable Patients.
- Open Beds data are being used by the Statistician in some indicators of the Critical_Care_Program_Quality_Indicator_Report.
- Critical Care Directors also use some of these data for administrative purposes.
Data Processing - New Instructions
- The HSC_MICU clerk disposed the forms as confidential waste.
- Exports (downloads) all entered data once per week;
- FROM: http:\\, (Site is password protected).
- TO: S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census\Whiteboard\ICUBedsCensusHistory.xls
- Opens SAS 9.4 (program written by the Statistician Jmojica to sort and export. Sorted to include bed count closes to before 1500 hrs each days and also for those dates where there was no bed change (IICU) reuse the bed count from the previous day closest to before 1500 hrs.
- go to: S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census\Whiteboard\
- change the earliest and inclusive dates in the SAS script to date you last exported and up to the day you did export
- The SAS program will export an excel file labeled whiteboard.xlsx
- Go to: S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census\Whiteboard\whiteboard.xlsx
- Manually checks whiteboard.xlsx if the dates specified for each unit are complete.
- uploads (imports) the whiteboard.xlsx from "S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census\Whiteboard" to S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census into an access database.
- Copy the WRHA Critical Care Daily Bed Census-Ver2020.mdb from folder S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census to your desktop
- OPEN WRHA Critical Care Daily Bed Census-Ver2020.mdb
- Check to ensure last date of import where you left off
- GET EXTERNAL Data S:\MED\MED_CCMED\PAGASA\Whiteboard\Whiteboard.xlsx
- check if the last date in the mdb is correct.
- Copy back the updated WRHA Critical Care Daily Bed Census-Ver2020.mdb from your desktop to folder S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census
- The Master database is on folder S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census
- p:Julie Mojica, do a compact and repair. Must pull it to desktop, do compact repair then copy it back up.
Bed census.mdb Queries
- most of the Queries in this mdb are made by p:Randy Martens, who is not longer with Program effective July 16, 2020. Has been replaced by Corey Bacshuk who has been given access to the Bed Census Database.