Clinical Assessment Unit
Clinical Assessment Units are wards to which emergency department decants patients who are are waiting on acquisition of resources (diagnostics and consults) for 24 hrs or more before they are safely returned to community. At some time these were considered part of the ER, but as of 2020-10 they are all Family Medicine. Special collection instructions applied at some point, but now they are simply one of the many units we don't collect on.
Site Specific information
How these are collected differs at the different sites. See for more info:
WRHA ER models of care plan article
WRHA Models of ER Care article (2017-10-02)
Retirement of s_dispo entries
We used to collect the CAUs as separate locations from local wards because they used to be managed by the ER, and so could have contained EMIPs. As of 2021 they are all managed by Family Medicine, and so for our considerations are just another hospital ward where we don't collect, coded as e.g. HSC_Ward.
All *CAU entries for incomplete pts were changed to *ward entries, and the *CAU entries in S dispo table were retired.
On discussion with Julie it was decided to keep the s_dispo entries around and not convert them. The loc type is Ward in s_dispo which is enough when reporting - usually being combined as <site> ward.
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