Correcting suspect links
(Redirected from LSusp button)
After Populate linking_pairs in CFE as part of Centralized data Vetting Process the links need to be checked for errors .
- be sure you have completed Populate linking pairs
- click the PatientList button on the Main Form; opening this can take a few seconds
- click the LSusp button, which will run the following queries but only keep open the ones that are not empty
- Link suspect dead then alive query
- Link suspect mismatch from ours incomplete query
- Link suspect mismatch pre inpt ours incomplete query
- Link suspect mismatch pre inpt should be ours incomplete query
- Link suspect mismatch to ours incomplete query
- Link suspect negative transit time query
- Link suspect not same visitAdmitDtTm query
- Link suspect transfer ready before arrive date
- Link suspect transfer ready greater than dispo
- alternatively you can run the queries manually: for each "link_suspect..." entry in the "Apply Query" drop-down; see links for more info
- these can be done in any order
Follow steps in Processing errors in patient data to address any errors
When done, go to the next step in Centralized data Vetting Process, Quality Assurance queries in CFE.