Outreach efforts

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We need to get word out.

If collector hear anything about QI circles that would benefit from our data, let the main office know.


No current outreach efforts.

efforts to date

  • Julie and Laura presented Nurses use data, too! at 2018-7th annual Critical Care Quality Improvement Symposium
  • Dr. Dan Roberts presented the CCMDB at Grand Rounds (2018-03-06)
  • attended Regional Critical Care quality conference with poster. (Summer 2017)
  • met with decision support team at HSC to present our database. (Summer 2017)
  • met with Critical Care CRNs to present our database. (Summer 2017)
  • Laura and Lois attend the STB VAP Committee meetings. VAP committee meetings are held every month.
  • p:Basil Evan will coordinate so that collectors in ICU will attend quality circle meetings.Trish Ostryzniuk 15:52, 2017 September 25 (CDT)
  • p:Basil Evan- to coordinate invite of main office staff Representative to Regional Critical Care Outcome Improvement Team meetings.Trish Ostryzniuk 15:55, 2017 September 25 (CDT)
  • At STB Laura also gives an inservice to the new students as requested by the ICU course educators. In this inservice we discuss completion of the TISS and how this relates to QI and other reports required by the region. Emphasis on charting of the elements needed to determine criteria for VAPs (eg. charting of ETT secretions as to color, consistency and amount). --LKolesar 13:53, 2017 September 21 (CDT)
    • I think Trish would have to check with the other collectors to see if they also do this. I think the educators at HSC do the inservice to the students but I cannot confirm this.--LKolesar 07:38, 2018 July 12 (CDT)
  • Laura has done huddles (sessions usually called at shift change to bring attention to changes or issues of concern to staff.)with the staff about CAM scores which are also of interest to the QI team.
  • Concerning ongoing EPR changes and issues, we contact Carolyn Deerpalsing if we see any issues with the system. Laura has also had discussions with the STB educator about future planning regarding ICU EPR charting.
  • The importance of this program is not only based upon data usage alone. The data collectors themselves are a resource because they audit the charts and their observations are valuable to future plans for EPR and to bring attention to charting discrepancies and errors. We are important to Quality improvement in that respect as well.
  • Laura regularly attends the VAP committee and the Quality Circle committee.
  • Trish will bring up the database with the Lissa Currie (coordinator of WRHA Critical Care education) to make sure that ICU Nurse Course participants hear about us
  • I actually sent a copy of the poster from the main page of the wiki to the secretary of the WRHA Critical Care Course here at STB (Claudette Boucher) and she was going to distribute it to all of the educators. Not sure what they did with this information. Trish can follow up. --LKolesar 07:42, 2018 July 12 (CDT)
    • emailed Trish for follow-up Ttenbergen 14:41, 2018 July 11 (CDT)
  • Allan has offered at the Dept of Medicine Executive Committee that he and Julie could provide a 15 minute summary of the 2 databases to each section in Internal Medicine at their section meetings. Several sections have taken Allan up on this. In progress.

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Future efforts

  • connect with wound care specialist regarding collection of ulcers with stages.
  • another poster to the critical care QI conference