STB Critical Care Collection Guide

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This article contains information specific to STB Critical Care Units.

  • See STB General Collection Guide for general STB information such as: links to EPR, Mail room, medical records. Information also in regards to obtaining hand sanitizer, wipes, printer paper for collection offices.
  • See ICU Curriculum for general critical care info.

Please make sure you document information at the most general level that is applicable, i.e. don't code something that affects all collection at StB in the program or unit level articles.

See also:

  • STB ICU Data Collectors work from from home and are on site once a week to do records and ward followups.

On-site presence of collectors

  • each ICU collector will be on site 3 times weekly to complete profiles in Health Records & ICUs as required

STB Medical Records requests

  • Health Records requests 5 business days notice for pulling your list
  • use the MR generator within Access to email your list to Reggie Albis & Joanna Talastas; cc supervisor Tianna Mohammed who will redirect the list as required

  • STB Critical Care has a resource website maintained by our ICU Educators;

Relevant articles specific to STB Critical Care patients

ECMO article

VAD article

VAP notification

There is no longer a requirement to notify the VAP Committee regarding a confirmed or potential VAP

CLI notification


  • cardiac MRI, echos and angiograms can be found in the CCI picklist
  • With the STB Electronic Patient Record we collect/count CCI/TISS entries as we are able when we review the record. Confirmation of entries is done on final review of the chart. Pharmacy is completed after final review of the chart.


Some heart attack patients go straight to the heart cath lab directly from EMS. See STEMI for collection instructions for such patients.

Cardiac Care patients

See STB Cardiac Care patients for information specific to the cardiac service care patients in the STB MICU/SICU unit.

STB Swing Beds

  • STB Swing Bed entries are "bed" records within a "unit" in EPR/Cognos. They are not beds or locations but conceptual service location and time entries used for patient moves. This data causes a patient record to show up in Cognos/CUS as having arrived on a unit even when the pt has not actually arrived, and it isn't visible in our listings whether the record is for a swing or real bed.
  • Any ICU pt. may be placed into a swing bed, but the majority of swing beds are used for the ICCS pt's. The pt. is placed in a swing bed while in the OR, and then moved into a real bed post op when they arrive in the CICU. Their stay in a swing bed may be any length of time. The true arrive Dt/Tm is taken from the ICU flow sheets.

if a pt. was placed into an ICU swing bed but was never admitted to the ICU, the pt. entries are manually excluded from Cognos when reviewed

cost center

Our cost number for supply ordering is 6766

Outreach efforts

St Boniface critical care collectors attend the STB VAP Committee when requested by the chair/co-chair. There is no longer any need to email the committee regarding a potential or confirmed VAP

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