Postal Code Master table

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Postal_Code_Master table in Centralized_data.mdb is used by query NDC_Bad_Postal_Code to detect by exclusion Postal Code entries that are likely invalid.

The table on its own would be about 71MB, (30MB with all extra info stripped out) which is why the check was not included in CCMDB.accdb.

Data Structure

field type description
PCODE text(6) the postal code
rhaname text(17) name of regional health authority that the postal code is in
CA_name text(22)
NC_Name text(27)
latitude number(single)
longitude number(single)
province text(4)
town text(40)


The contents are a mix of what we have received from various sources, and of what Pagasa adds when she finds a code that hasn't been listed before.

This data is not available form the Government of Canada, but a regularly updated file is available from here:


  • 2022-08-?? - made field sizes smaller / more appropriate recently, removed duplicating/unused fields

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