Processes around changing a PatientFollow assignment

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Patients are assigned to collectors using the PatientFollow Project. This page explains what needs to happen when an assignment is changed. The collector/laptop that used to collect a number needs to phase out that number, the collector/laptop who gains that number needs to start them, and we need to be sure that Julie will report on them continuously. We need a process where the time frame for the transition is limited.

Since PatientFollow Project assignments are based on the Service Start DtTm (collected as Service tmp entry), the transition is based on of the Service Start/Change dttms.

Process for collectors

CSS will show records based on the dates of the assignment change and the dates of the service change. No action should be required from collectors to make this happen.

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Process for CCMDB.mdb to change assignments

The S_PatientFollow_distribution table needs to be updated to set an ending time for the earlier laptop. A new line needs to be added for the later laptop, with the same start DtTm as the end DtTm for the earlier one.

If more than one or two need changing, this can be confusing if done manually in the table, an easier way is to copy-paste the relevant cells into Excel and use it's propagating function and then paste the result.

SAS / Main office files

See \\\WRHA\HSC\shared\MED\MED_CCMED\ChartLastDigitAnalysis

Change Log


  • beginning October 24,2024 added 42,43,44 to H7 from the H4 laptop


  • beginning April 21, 2024 added 88, 89 to H5 from the H8 laptop


  • beginning march 1.2024 H3 will be 00-11 and H4 will be 30-44, 12,13,14


  • changed 00,01 from S4 to S9, equalizes the two vacant positions at SBGH


  • changed 97,98,99 from H6C to H9 before the transition to program split Jan 1, 2024


re-equalized distribution after the phase-out of S4:

  • 10-14 from S5 to S6


Phasing out S4 as of tomorrow; initial redistribution is skewed because S6 will finish off S4, need to review in 1 month.

  • 00-09 -> S6
  • 10-29 -> S5


Lisa identified that all HSC Med laptops should now have equal allocation, made the following updates to accomplish that:

  • changed 50 and 51 from H4 to H5
  • changed 74 from H6 to H5


H9 now has more than H7

  • 00 stays with H9
  • 01-03 moved back to H7


S4 laptop reinstated with numbers 00 - 29:

  • 15 to 29 moved from S5 to S4
  • 00 to 14 moved from S6 to S4

S9 laptop reinstated so numbers were redistributed as follows:

  • 36 to 49 moved from S7 to S9
  • 50 to 63 moved from S8 to S9


Due to higher counts at H7 than H9 by 4%, the chart distribution were revised starting 7 July 2021

  • 00 to 03 moved from H7 to H9


Debbie who had laptop S4 retires, so the S4 allocation was redistributed as follows:

  • 15 to 29 moved from S4 to S5
  • 00 to 14 moved from S4 to S6

Marla who had laptop S9 retires, but S9 didn't have numbers assigned originally, so there was no change to split them.

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