Transitional Care
Transitional Care is provided in Transition Care Units (TCU)s.
A transitional care facility is a temporary place for patients that are waiting for placement into an alternate care setting.
Other medical care and rehabilitation is provided before going home, to a nursing home or to other more permanent placement. This includes Geriatric Rehab.
In the WRHA setting TCUs usually have a defined period of time for the resident's stay to determine most appropriate final discharge destination.
For further information see
Units available in S dispo table
See #Legacy Units for legacy units.
Misericordia - Transitional care
- last known use as of 2022-04: 2022-03-31
VIC - Transitional care
- Location: VIC_N4
- Start Date: 2017-Oct-10
- last known use as of 2022-04: 2021-01-14
Infrequent use
These are not used very frequently (see query z_s_dispo_lastUsed) but as of 2022-04 they still exist.
Data Use
- This is not part of the regular quarter reports. However, maybe asked in specific request where the interest is the location the patient went after discharged.
#Transitional Care Units concept is encoded S dispo.loc_type.
Legacy Locations
- GRA - no longer in existence as of October 2017 - use to be W4; disappeared when CAU came
- HSC - no longer existence as of November 2017
- Location: A6S; used to be 4E
- Start Date: 2017-Oct-3
- No longer in existence-?end date
- Transitional Care Environments (non-hospital setting, these are not inpatients)
- River Ridge Transition Care Environment: 2017-Oct-02 - 2019-Apr-28
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