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Data Element (edit)
Field Name: loc type
CCMDB Label:
CCMDB tab:
Table: s_dispo table
Data type: string
Length: 20
Program: Med and CC
Created/Raw: Raw
Start Date: 2016-07-01
End Date: 2300-01-01
Sort Index: 8

The list provides a broader description of service and/ location of the patient's Previous Location,Pre-admit Inpatient Institution or Dispo field and found useful when providing reports.

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Forms


Used to aggregate s_dispo table data into groupings which is useful for filtering the population of interest for database requests or indicators being reported. Commonly combined with the s_dispo.loc_type field of s_dispo table.

Ex: Ex. Out of City ER/ward/ICU/PCH, WPG ER/Ward/ICU/PCH, etc. Indicators like ICU Interfacility Transfer consider only those discharges to WPG ICU or Readmission to MedWard considers those who went to hospice, PCH, ambulatory care of out of WPG/MB/CAN in addition to others.

  • in s_dispo table HSC Lennox Bell is listed as loc_type=unknown/other ; many in that location would be most similar to "home", so should these be grouped as "non-patient" instead? Wherever we deal with "home", are we already including these? For example, for Readmission to MedWard, would we include anyone who has been discharged to a "non-patient" location, or do we use more explicit groupings? Ttenbergen 15:24, 11 March 2025 (CDT)
  • also in s_dispo table HSC Lennox Bell is listed as site=HSC; it kind of is, but wherever that column is used to group, would this be a location we would expect in that group? Or should it be blank? Ttenbergen 15:24, 11 March 2025 (CDT)
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

location type values

loc_type description
ambulatory care ambulatory care clinics at the hospitals where we collect data
Boarding not used anywhere, just legacy fields
ER ...
hospice Hospice
ICU ...
legacy for legacy records where the field is inconsistent
NICU ???
non-patient e.g. home, a place where person would no longer be a patient; but also all the codes denoting Deceased patients
Nursing Station nursing stations usually on first nations
OR operating room
PCH personal care home
RR recovery room
TCE Transitional Care Environment (see Transitional Care)
TCU Transitional Care Unit (see Transitional Care)
UC Urgent Care
unknown/other ...
Ward ...