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=====[[Med Var 5]] OVZ =====
=====[[Med Var 5]] OVZ =====
Patient that are OVER's will have the code '''OVZ''' entered into [[Med Var 5]]
Patient that are OVER's will have the code '''OVZ''' entered into [[Med Var 5]]
is this still applicable?

===[[EMIP]] start date===
===[[EMIP]] start date===

Revision as of 13:19, 14 January 2013

This is a resource guide which documents collection processes for GRA MED site and serve as a reference for anyone who will pick up shifts at this site.

Data Collection Office

Office location

  • located at the Dorothy Wood Building Rm. 210
  • the office houses all the Grace database staff i.e. Medicine & ICU
  • the Dorothy Wood Building is a separate building from the main hospital, but is accessible through the tunnel system; the building can be found north of the main hospital, and is adjacent to the north parking lot off Booth Drive

Mail sent to

  • our mail is usually redirected to 5 North by the mail room; as of Feb. 2012, mail is to be delivered to the Medicine Program Administration Office, c/o Brenda Tyre, Rm. 201, Dorothy Wood Building, as that office is normally manned every weekday

Office phone number

  • our office number is 837-0151 or local 2151 when dialed from within the hospital

Other office information

  • each data collector has a drawer in the filing cabinet, and we have an in basket system where each collector has a space for mail, messages etc.
  • we keep a "news" or communication book on the desk for internal messages and communications
  • we share a USB printer cable that moves from laptop to laptop as needed
  • all staff rotate turns purchasing Kleenex and replacement water cooler refills
  • we have a water cooler with a tiny fridge unit, a coffee maker, kettle, and toaster in the office; larger items that need to be refrigerated can be kept in the community fridge down the hall from the office in the floor kitchen which also houses the community microwave
  • we share the second floor with the Home Care Department, the Program Director for Medicine, the Medicine Program Executive Offices, Gail Pearson the Bed Utilization Coordinator, and the local union offices for the MNU & UFCW-2ND FLOOR POPULATION IS CHANGING AS THE NEW WRHA ACCESS BUILDING WILL BE OPENING AND OUR NEIGHBOURS ARE BEING MOVED TO THIS FACILITY
  • CONFIDENTIAL WASTE is collected in a box in the office and then deposited in the shredding receptacle outside the elevator on the second floor for shredding. It is recommended that the office box be emptied weekly as the shredding box only accepts small amounts at a time and the process of feeding it can be quite time consuming. If the paper box is full, please call Housekeeping local 2198 to have it emptied.
  • as of April 2012, postal codes will no longer be contained on the patient addressograph. These can be found on the pink admission sheet that we use for collecting date/time of admission, or on the Physician Inpatient Lists that are generated daily for us from Patient Registration.
  • there will be a Tim Horton's satellite location located on the first floor in the hallway between the front door and the ER (slated to open late December 2012)

Grace Telephone Numbers

  • Phone numbers at the Grace are different depending on if you are dialing from inside or outside the hospital; all numbers begin with the exchange 837 followed by 4 more digits. If accessing from outside the hospital the last 4 digits would begin with the digit 0, if accessed from within, the local would be the same last 3 digits but with a 2 at the beginning
  • for example, our office # is 837-0151 if dialed from outside the hospital but our local is 2151 if dialed from within
  • long distance code is 9280

Database Supply Cost Center

  • cost centre # 1.7124030, Grand & Toy Account # is 693449
  • Grand & Toy fax # is 1-866-391-8555; no long distance code is required to fax to this #
  • Please check with Trish before you order high priced supplies other than a printer cartridge, paper, pens.
  • the supply order catalog and requisitions are kept on top of the filing cabinet; we always check with the other collectors prior to ordering and try to order all we need at once
  • supplies are delivered to our office or to 5 North; as of February 2012, supplies should be ordered delivered to Brenda Tyre, Medicine Program Admin, Rm. 201, Dorothy Wood Building
  • returned invoices are kept in the 5 North drawer in the filing cabinet
  • if the supplies are not received in a reasonable time ie within 3 business days, chances are they have taken a detour. The Receiving Department local 2196, can tell you whether the supplies have been received, and will deliver them to you; a signature is required upon receipt.

Areas of Data Collection at the Grace

3 North (N3) CTU

  • unit local 2312, fax 837-0572
  • Unit Manager is Monika Warren local 2309 pager 931-4059
  • is a Clinical Teaching Unit with 30 beds
  • encompasses Room #s 301-310, & 337-340
  • Pat Gyles is the full-time unit clerk who maintains the admission/discharge book which is kept to the right of the computer monitor at the desk
  • pts. are generally short stay, and turn over is rapid

5 North (N5) NTU

  • unit local is 2241, fax 837-0567
  • Unit Manager is Helen Cherwinski local 2344 pager 931-4073
  • is attended by the GAP (Grace Attending Physicians)and also admits Oncology & Placement pts. with a total of 35 beds (up to 37 with 2 swing beds included)
  • encompasses Room #s 501-507 (Unit 1) 508-512 (Unit 2) and 520-525 (Unit 3)
  • Full-time clerk is Tracy Laxdal, part-time clerk is Lori Pilkey; ward admission/discharge binder is kept with the binders to the far left of the ward clerk's station at the main desk

3 South (W3) NTU

  • our program refers to this area as 3 West or W3 as that is what it was called at program origin
  • unit local is 2181 fax 837-0573
  • is attended by the GAP Physicians
  • encompasses Room #s 311-330
    • The designation METU - Medical Extended Teaching Unit was discontinued sometime in January 2012 as the unit decided it was no longer practical to continue to move pts from one unit to another to accommodate the lower staffing needs of the METU vs pt acuity.
  • ward admission/discharge book is kept on the counter to the right of the computer monitor
  • Unit Manager is Rob Gibson local 2356 pager 932-7352 office is on the unit
  • full-time Unit Clerk is Zerline Bernardo

Medicine Overflow


  • patients are admitted into off-service beds throughout the hospital and are difficult to track.
  • Patient Reg prints a daily record of Medicine attendings for N3, W3 & N5 which documents which pts are admitted under each physician and where those pts. are located.
  • this list is printed daily, including weekends and is left for us to pick up 24/7 at the switchboard office across from registration; the first data collector in each morning is responsible for picking up the lists and leaving them in the office for the others to collect
  • as of April 23, 2012, the Pt Registration system has changed as have the forms that are generated with the intent of notifying us of offservice pt locations. Please ensure that the Physician Inpatient Lists generated for your unit use the Unit <ALL> designation in the top left of the front page in order to catch pts located in offservice beds
  • pts. that are admitted into an overflow bed on an off-service unit are assigned a pt. location as follows:
  • if the pt. belongs to the teaching service, the pt. location will be GRA_N3 with variable 5 OVZ
  • if the pt. belongs to the non-teaching units, the pt. location will be GRA_N5 with variable 5 OVZ
Who collects "OVERs"

Each collector will collect for any patients admitted under their ward physician i.e. If a Medicine patient is admitted under the GAP Physician who is currently admitting to N5 ward and there is no bed available on ward N5 then the patient will show up on the Physician census generated daily by EHealth/Patient Registry for N5, and the N5 collector will collect the data.

Med Var 5 OVZ

Patient that are OVER's will have the code OVZ entered into Med Var 5 )Template:Discussion is this still applicable?

EMIP start date

  • November, 2010
  • for definition go to EMIP article.
  • the EMIP census will also be distributed daily and included with the census sheets held at the Switchboard.
  • we keep an EMIP tracking record on the office bulletin board. The EMIP patient names are listed after being found on the daily list from Patient Registry and then crossed off once they have been located on one of our other census lists.AS OF APRIL 23, 2012, THE PT REGISTRATION SYSTEM HAS CHANGED AND THE FORMS GENERATED TO US ARE NO LONGER CAPTURING ALL THE MEDICAL ADMISSIONS. WE ARE CURRENTLY TRYING TO ENSURE THAT WE WILL HAVE SOME KIND OF ACCESS TO THIS.
  • tracking and data collection is done by N3 collector.
  • separate log book is kept.
  • data for EMIP's is entered into N3 laptop and files sent with N3 files.
  • Site and location is entered as: GRA_EMIP.

Other Grace Hospital Wards

  • 1 North (N1) Psychiatry, located in a separate building accessible by tunnel system
  • 2 South (S2) Orthopaedic Surgery: ward clerk is Donna
  • 4 West (W4) PANSU: ward clerk is Barb
  • 4 South (S4) General Surgery: ward clerk is Mary
  • Grace Hospice (GH) Palliative/End of Life Care-is not accessible via tunnel system
  • EDIS (S4) is 10 bed extension of Emergency Dept started July 16, 2012.;pts are not considered admitted while in this holding area, but may be admitted to inpatient units from here. It will be considered an admission from ER if pt. comes to unit from this area. See EDIS (S4) for more information.

Medicine Physicians

  • all Medicine areas rotate Physician coverage which changes bi-weekly on Monday; there is an up to date on call schedule available on each laptop desktop
  • the CTU on N3 is attended by Drs. B. Johnson, E. Cowden (Medicine Program Director), M. Kramer, M. Selamon, D. Meyrowitz, W. Li, N. Matthews, J. Silha, R. Hamedani, B. MacDougall,F. Bovell, A. MacDiarmid, S. Narasimhan & T. Hiebert
  • N5 and W3(S3) are attended by the GMU Attending Physicians commonly referred to as GAP: Drs. G. Borrett, R. Macek, J. Joshua, and R. George
  • we do not follow Dr. Harris' pts (Oncology) but you will find them on N5 & W3

Medicine Admission Date & Time is found on the pink Admission Summary sheet at the beginning of the chart and is recorded by Patient Registration on notification by Emergency that the patient has been accepted for admission by the Medicine physician on call

Responsibilities of Medicine Data Collectors

the areas of responsibility of each Medicine Data Collector is flexible and is determined by the workload of the wards when considered as a whole.

  1. currently one collector is responsible for collecting on 5 North (N5) AND 3 South referred to as (W3) and OVER's for non teaching patients:
  2. second collector is responsible for collecting on

3 North (N3) CTU & OVER's for teaching patients & EMIP:

  • We communicate regularly and attempt to even out the workload by the less burdened collector completing collection on discharged patients from the busier areas, +/or entering the already collected data for the busier units on the laptop while the other collector continues to collect

Serial Numbering for N5_W3

For changes starting week of February 20, 2012 go to: Serial_Numbering_for_GRA_MED_N5_W3

Medicine Database Friends

  • Medicine Clinical Instructor is Lesley Frye (mat leave coverage for Rianna Bettencourt) local 2856 pager 932-0689
  • Health Records Guru is Maureen local 2166
  • Computer Help Desk Lynn Rhoda local 2810
  • Patient Registration Supervisor is Marusia Aime local 2118
  • Telephone Problems including voice mail password issues and repair services is Gail local 2118
  • Security local 2366 for those of us who lock ourselves out of the office on a regular basis
  • EHealth 940-8500
  • Rose Tanner local 2460 manages furniture supplies
  • Housekeeping local 2198
  • Brenda Tyre the Medicine Program Executive Assistant, who kindly lets us use her photocopier or fax machine when required (best neighbour award)