GRA Medical Records requests

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Revision as of 15:32, 2020 October 7 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs) (info moved here from GRA General Collection Guide - some was there, some here, now it's not spread around.)
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This article provides information on how to request patient charts from Medical Records at the Grace. It is part of the GRA General Collection Guide.

Med Records at GRA

Thanks to physical distancing, there is limited space to work in Medical Records. Conference Room E is not only being used as a meeting room, but it is also being used as a break room by the MR staff, and as a work space for physicians, medical examiners, and staff with the organ and tissue donation programs. The cubicles along the wall have also been limited to 2 work spaces to allow for physical distancing.

Kim in Medical Records has graciously allowed us to remove the necessary charts to bring them back to our office for data entry. She has our contact information and is welcome to call us in the event they require a chart we are working on. Mindy has brought from home 2 collapsible carts that she has generously shared them with the Data Collectors here to allow us to comfortably retrieve a large number of charts to work on throughout the day. Surbanski 13:00, 2020 June 16 (CDT)

MEDICAL RECORDS IS MOVING Starting October 6, 2020 Medical Records will be transitioning to a temporary location in the Grace Hospital Auditorium. They anticipate this initial move could take approximately 3 weeks. They are hopeful to be out of here and into their permanent location, the old Grace Hospital Library, by January 2021. This may have an impact on the ease of which we are able to locate and pull charts to complete our profiles. It is too early at this time to know exactly what the impact will be as even the MR staff don't know what their new temporary workspace will look like. Some temporary shelving has been set up in the auditorium, there's been discussion about the charts from PERM being moved directly to the old library, and a possibility of charts being kept in boxes. We will continue to work with the MR staff to find a way to get the charts we need. Surbanski 10:50, 2020 October 6 (CDT)

Requesting charts

Grace Hospital has the most accommodating Health Records Department possible; collectors are permitted to pull our own charts prn for use in the Health Records Dept., but are expected to return them from whence they came as well. If you need to remove a chart from the dept, please report so to one of the clerks so it can be accounted for in their system. If you are unable to find a chart it will usually turn up within 24 hours, as it has just gone visiting to Home Care or AMC etc., however longer than that requires that you check with one of the clerks as to its whereabouts. Charts have been known to go missing and never be seen again.....

  • Is there anything else a collector new to GRA would need to know to do this right so we don't lose the good will of MedRec tehre? Ttenbergen 13:58, 2019 December 11 (CST)
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