L TmpV2 table
The L_TmpV2 table (also know as Tmp file)in the CCMDB.mdb contains data that is either intermittent or just not currently accomodated in the rest of the database. When the data collector sends, the data gets dumped to Regional Server\Output\TmpV2_1.mdb (some data is sent every time, some only when the patient is sent, see S Tmp Complete_send for more.)
Usually the data in L_TmpV2 will be data generated by Special Short Term Projects but some other data such as Moves for Medicine is stored here as well.
The table has fields to accomodate dates, integers, reals/floating point variables, text or booleans. It can accomodate one of each of these per line, such that if two variables of the same data type are needed, two lines need to be entered. The table was set up this way to accomodate any possible combination of data, but this flexibility comes at the expense of some inefficiencies in data-entry.
For details about the dropdown options for various projects, and their actual project identifier, see the corresponding project's article. For a list of any projects that have been stored in L_TmpV2, see Category:L TmpV2 Data.
Data Structure
Field Name | Data Type | Usage |
Serial | Number | unique identifier of patient |
Site | dropdown-limited text | Hospital where the patient was admitted |
Location | dropdown-limited text | Ward the patient was admitted to |
collected | Date/Time | date the variable was collected |
Project | dropdown-limited text | |
Item | Text | Project-Item identifier |
DtTm_var | Date/Time | date/time variable collected, if needed |
int_var | number | integer variable, if collected |
float_var | number | float/real variable, if collected |
bool_var | Yes/No | boolean variable, if collected |
comment_var | Text | comment variable, if collected |
Instruction | dropdown-limited text | Instruction as given in the dropdown S_Tmp |
data_sent | Date/Time | Date/Time the patient was sent |