Hyperphosphatemia, hypophosphotemia or other disorder of phosphate metabolism, severe or symptomatic
ICD10 Diagnosis | |
Dx: | Hyperphosphatemia, hypophosphotemia or other disorder of phosphate metabolism, severe or symptomatic |
ICD10 code: | E83.3 |
Pre-ICD10 counterpart: | none assigned |
Charlson/ALERT Scale: | none |
APACHE Como Component: | none |
APACHE Acute Component: | 2019-0: Renal/Metabolic NOS, 2019-0: Metabolic/Renal NOS |
Start Date: | |
Stop Date: | |
External ICD10 Documentation |
This diagnosis is a part of ICD10 collection.
Additional Info
- ICD10 does not have separate codes for hyperphosphatemia and hypophosphatemia
- The parameters for coding hyperphosphatemia are any of the following 3 items: (This change is active as of Feb 12, 2018)
- PO4 > 2.0 OR
- Any PO4 > 1.6 AND in the presence of signs or symptoms believed to be due to hyperphosphatemia OR
- Any PO4 > 1.6 with active treatment for hyperphosphatemia
- Hyperphosphatemia is not an acute clinical problem/issue
- It can be a long-term issue as it can lead to: metastatic calcification, hypocalcemia
- The parameters for coding hypophosphatemia are any of the following 3 items: (This change is active as of Feb 12, 2018)
- PO4 < 0.3 OR
- Any PO4 < 1,0 AND in the presence of signs or symptoms believed to be due to hypophosphatemia OR
- Any PO4 < 1.0 with active treatment for hypophosphatemia
- Main signs and symptoms of hypophosphatemia are:
- neuromuscular - myopathy (weakness, increased CPK, respiratory failure, rhabdomyolysis), congestive cardiomyopathy
- hematologic - hemolysis, WBC dysfunction, platelet dysfunction
- CNS - metabolic encephalopathy (dizziness, irritability, obrundation, coma), seizures (rare), paresthesias
- bone - osteomalacia\Ricketts, bone pain
- cardiovascular - CHF
Alternate ICD10s to consider coding instead or in addition
- Tetany
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hypoparathyroidism
- Disorder of mineral metabolism, NOS
- Malnutrition
- Vitamin deficiency, NOS
- Nutritional deficiency, NOS
- Intestinal malabsorption, NOS
- Electrolyte disorder, NOS
Candidate Combined ICD10 codes
- list the cause of the problem
- Tetany
Related CCI Codes
Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)
none found
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