Instructions for exporting data using MCHP Export.accdb

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Revision as of 10:24, 4 August 2023 by JMojica (talk | contribs) (sending)
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This article contains the instructions to generate data for Manitoba Centre for Health Policy export using MCHP Export.accdb



  1. Pull down the data to the usual location (desktop/CentralizedFrontEndLive)
  2. copy MCHP Export.accdb to the same location
  3. copy DSM Labs Consistency check.accdb to the same location

generating the export file

  • open MCHP Export.accdb
  • change extract dates if needed; actually, we don't generally change the dates, we always send 2019-01-01 to current
    • edit the VBA code to set the date range
      • in the program, click the "Database Tools" button bar tab a the top, then the "Visual Basic" button
      • edit the start_threshold and end_threshold variables
  • accommodate any data structure changes that might have occurred since the last export (or confirm there are no such changes)
    • e.g. are there any new tmp projects that should be included?
  • Click the "Run MCHP Export" button
  • delete the modules and forms, they contain Passwords


  • review to make sure there are no big outstanding questions that will make our data look bad; a page on the wiki that might help with this is Portal related pages with questions
  • Zip the individual files by using the 7-zip file manager - find the files and click ADD and it will open a screen. Rename the files into CCMDB_MCHP_export_date and CCMDB_phi_date. Encrypt the zip files by using the passwords indicated from the excel file of Passwords_MainOffice from the shared folder.
  • after zipping the files in the next two steps, try opening them on a different computer before sending them out of office; we had a problem with the zipped file during the 2020-04-30 send.
  • the zipped MCHP Export.accdb and password protected
    • send via MCHP sFTP server . Julie has been given a temporary account by Rod McRae, IManager, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy. Every time needed, Julie has to request and email Rod McRae <> and Dave Towns.
      • go to enter the provided username and password by MCHP. Double click document CriticalCare_Medicine. Drag the zipped file to upload or choose the file to start uploading.
    • email the password to Dave Towns (
  • the zipped PHI.mdb and password protected
    • send password encrypted PHI.mdb via MHSAL’s secure file transfer system to Jason Berry, A/Director, of Information Management and Governance Unit, Information Management and Analytics, Resources and Performance, Manitoba Health, Healthy Living & Seniors (4041 -300 Carlton Street, Winnipeg MB R3B 3M9) and email the password to him (; Manitoba Health with de-identify the data and pass it on to MCHP. Julie has an account to MHSAL secure file transfer system.
    • starting Aug 2023, the contact person has been changed to Fan Zhaopeng (, manager of the Axway at MB Health.


  • make a new sub-folder labelled with the date data was generated in the folder S:\MED\MED_CCMED\CCMDB_Special_Projects\MCHP.
  • save a copy MCHP Export.accdb and PHI.mdb and their zip files from the desktop to this new folder.

Legacy info

Legacy Content

This page contains Legacy Content.
  • Explanation: old process
  • Successor: see above

Click Expand to show legacy content.

  • We used to hand deliver this data:
    • copying to a memory stick or CD and hand carry the memory stick or CD to Dave Towns, Senior Data Management Analyst, of Manitoba Centre for Health Policy (MCHP), Dept of Community Health Sciences, University of Manitoba - stopped Aug 2019
    • starting April 2020, data is transferred via sFTP server as per instructions above

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