Outlook Mailing Lists
We have mailing distribution lists for all programs and locations in the Outlook Email Global Address Book.
Our lists
Data Collector Lists
Data collector distribution lists, the names follow the convention DC_<hosp>_<program>, e.g. DC HSC Med.
- there are 10 contact groups
- DC CC - contains all data collectors plus Julie, Pagasa, and Tina
DC Contact Group Administrator
MEDCC distribution lists
Director and Manager Report distribution lists, starting with MEDCC in the Outlook global address book.
- there are 16 contact group in the Outlook global address book
- naming convention RPT <hosp> <unit or program>, e.g. MEDCC REGION ICU, MEDCC REGION MED, MEDCC SOGH ICU, etc
- only used for Internal Medicine Reports
- see Distribution of Annual and Quarterly Reports
Updating of MEDCC mailing lists
- The list is updated and maintained by Pagasa Torres who gets updates from Admin Assistant for Regional ICU and Medicine Director.
- She contacts key administrative staff quarterly, to find out if any manager or directors at any of the sites in the Region have changed.
Critical Care
- All ICU's in City: Christopher Roque - Admin. Assist.
- Grace: Donna Dixon - Admin. Assist.
- STB: Deborah Mahoney - Admin. Assist.
- HSC: Rowena Padua - Admin. Assist.
Add or Discontinued Distribution List folders
eHealth to be contacted by list administrator, (Data Processor), to add or remove any folders in Outlook global address book
MEDCC Contact Group Administrator
- Pagasa, Data Processor for lists
Viewing members of an Outlook Mailing List
In Outlook
If you are using MS Outlook, to look into a DC contact group to see "who" is a member of the group:
- Open an email
- in the "TO" field, type: DC. You will see all the DC contact groups that we have.
- click your mouse "once" on the group you want.
- right click your mouse on the contact group and it will open the group allowing you to see who are the members.
In Outlook WebAccess
If you are using Outlook WebAccess, check the wiki to see who works at a location.
Sending to a Mailing List
In either Outlook or Outlook WebAccess, to sent to a DC group:
- Open an email
- in the "TO" field, type: DC. You will see all the DC contact groups that we have
- click the group you want to send to (will highlight it)
- click the "To" button to put the group into the To field
- click OK to bring you back to the email
- type your email and send
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