Accept DtTm field

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This field is currently being implemented, please check the instructions and put a discussion for anything that isn't clear. 

The Accept DtTm field contains the date and time when the attending accepts a patient, i.e. the date/time a patient changes status from what is documented in Previous Service field to Service/Location field.

Collection Instruction

For all critical care and medicine patients enter the date that the service physician accepted the patient.

If the patient is accepted and arrives at the same time, enter the Arrive_DtTm field and then click the "set accept_DtTm to Arrive_DtTm" button to copy the DtTm across.


A. Question - Patient X:

    • came to Vic Hospital April 1/16 @0826 to ER triage.
    • was admitted from ER to Urology N2 April/1/16 @ 1338 from home (lived in house)
    • went to N2 (UROLOGY-surgical service) April 1/16@1605
    • was put on transfer to Medicine April 21/16@ 1530.
    • went from N2 to S4: April 22/16@ 1945.--OK Please fill in for me Trish/Tina/Julie
  1. Pre-Acute living situation: house
  2. Pre-admit Inpatient institution: not applicable (only applicable if comes from a temporary location, and to find out if pt was an inpatient somewhere prior to temp location)
  3. Previous Location: Vic ward (N2 surgical ward)
  4. Arrive DtTM: April 22, 2016 @ 1945
  5. Accept DtTM: April 21, 2016 @ 1530
  6. Previous Service: surgery
  7. Visit Admit DtTm: April 1 2016 @0826
  8. Transfer ready:
  9. Dispo dttm:
  10. Dispo:

If you could please fill this out I can use as a guide line Thanks

  • Ok. I need more clarification I am confused!!This was a surgical patient who was made a medicine pt and was transferred to my unit and is still there so there isn't a transfer ready time for medicine yet ?Laura this isn't an ICU patient this is a medicine pt who was a surgical pt and transferred from urology to medicine.
  • Shirley, I filled this out for you.--LKolesar 12:49, 2016 April 26 (CDT)
    • Hi guys. thanks everyone. I have re-cobbled the answers, as I have gotten clarification about where this patient came and went from at VIC. N2 urology (surgical service) not from S2. S2 is used a overflow for medicine (code purple) when medicine is over census.--Trish Ostryzniuk 15:01, 2016 April 26 (CDT)

B.Question: How do I know the Accept DtTm when a pt is transferred from VICU to Vic ward. No notes stating when ward medicine has accepted patient just a VICU note stating when pt is transfer ready in ICU. What do you use ? Do you want us to use the transfer ready time( written by VICU doctors that the patient is ready to go to a medicine ward ) or do you use the same date and time as the Arrive DtTm ( the actual time the pt comes physically to the ward.) Looking forward to the staff meeting to clarify the dispo fields Shirley Please let me know about this. Shirley Kiesman date/time

  • When a pt goes from ICU to a medicine ward, just make the accept time the same as the arrival time because the medicine doctors do not start looking after the patient until the patient arrives on the ward, even if they have agreed to accept them earlier. In ER, when they accept, then they start looking after the patient at that time, so that is why the accept time is important for medicine in order to determine the amount of time spent in ER before actual arrival. --LKolesar 06:33, 2016 April 27 (CDT)

Feedback about date/time fields

Anything else? Ttenbergen 17:32, 2016 April 18 (CDT)

Data Use

Many things, need to pull them together Ttenbergen 12:59, 2016 March 21 (CDT)

Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks

  • Function ADT_Chronological()


This field is part of the 2016 Time and Place changes.

For medicine this concept is related to admit date and time (when pt is from ER). It does not simply replace the field, so this value still needs to be entered for patients not from ER.

For critical care this concept is related to Service Sending to ICU. (There is no comparable field in ICU for this in the old system).