Charlson Comorbidities in ICD10 codes

Details of how this list was derived

Yes this is LONG, but it's to try and answer all the various questions that will arise

  • The original description by Charlson of what has become the Charlson Comorbidity Index [CCI] (J. Chr. Dis. 40(5):373-383, 1987) was oriented towards identifying the cumulative burden of pre-existing medical conditions for the purpose of taking account of comorbid conditions that might alter mortality in longitudinal research studies. She identified, by manual chart review, a set of 17 conditions to which were applied weights, resulting in a composite "Charlson Score". Furthermore, in her original schema, these weights were modified by age. She found that in a survival analysis of time to death among people with breast cancer, that this comorbidity index was a significant predictor of the hazard of death.
    • The 17 conditions are: Myocardial infarction; Congestive heart failure; Peripheral vascular disease; Cerebrovascular disease; Dementia; Chronic pulmonary disease; Rheumatic disease; Peptic ulcer disease; Mild liver disease; Moderate or severe liver disease; Diabetes without chronic complications; Diabetes with chronic complications; Hemiplegia or paraplegia; Renal disease; Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin; Metastatic solid tumor; AIDS. Some notes about these 17 conditions:
      • Identifying them from chart review requires interpretation -- i.e. it's not always a "slam-dunk". For example, WHICH complications of diabetes should be included? Another example is how should we decide if the liver disease is severe or not? None of these questions of interpretation were defined in Charlson's original formulation.
      • Among the 17 are two sets of mutually exclusive codes -- the 2 on DM and the 2 on liver disease: e.g. if somebody has DM with chronic complications, you're supposed to give them the points for THAT, but NOT also for DM without chronic complications.
  • One might ask whether it's reasonable to include only 17 (or 31 or 100 for that matter) specific disorders in trying to measure the cumulative comorbid burden. After all, there are 16,000 ICD-10 codes and the vast majority of them can be pre-existing conditions. The issue here is that there's clearly a balance here between: (i) being practical in not including too many conditions while still maintaining generalizable results, and (ii) including enough conditions that the resulting measure is still meaningful.
  • Despite the original purpose of the CCI, it started being used as a measure of the cumulative burden of comorbid illness in a wide variety of purposes. The next big step was taken by Deyo (J. Clin. Epidemiol. 45(6):613-619, 1992) who in created a set of ICD-9 codes for using administrative health data (hospital abstracts) to calculate the CCI. And this is WITHOUT the age-related portion of the original description by Charlson herself.
  • Partly lost in the process of moving the CCI from a clinical/chart review thing to something that can be identified from administrative data is if/how to identify whether the diagnosis of interest was actually pre-existing. This is relevant because in hospital and outpatient administrative data across countries, the ability to distinguish a pre-existing condition from one which was a reason for admission or began after admission is highly variable.
    • While many/most of the Charlson conditions, HAD to have been pre-existing, even if it was not actually recognized as being present pre-admission (e.g. Dementia is never acute, while it may be a reason for admission, it MUST have been present prior to admission), some of the 17 conditions could be either -- an example is MI.
  • The most recent seminal paper was a modified version of Deyo's coding by Quan (Medical Care 43(11):1130-1139, 2005) who created sets of ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes for CCI (and also, by the way for a different schema by Elixhauser et al. for identifying 31 specific comorbid conditions to assess the cumulative burden of comorbid disease).
    • Quan assessed the value of this administrative data CCI for predicting in-hospital mortality using the Discharge Abstract (hospital) Database in Calgary. He found that the predictive power of the CCI was high, and it was a bit higher if he used ALL hospital diagnoses (i.e. included by us as Comorbid Diagnoses, Admit Diagnoses and Acquired Diagnoses) than if he just used pre-hospital diagnoses identified by us as Comorbid Diagnoses.
  • Other work on comorbidity indices has shown that value in predicting death is higher if: (a) both inpatient and outpatient diagnoses are used, and (b) you use not only diagnoses from the current hospitalization but also from 1-2 years prior.


  • There is no ONE correct version of the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), or of any comorbidity measures.
  • The "right" one for your own purpose should be used.
  • If that purpose is to best help predict bad outcomes such as death, then using diagnoses in any of our Comorbid Diagnoses, Admit Diagnoses and Acquired Diagnoses is best -- but this may mix some acute diagnoses with pre-existing conditions.
  • If the purpose is to truly identify the burden of pre-existing illness, then only Comorbid Diagnoses should be used.
  • BOTH for simplicity AND to have a measure that is consistent with the way it is usually computed, we have chosen to use the Quan's specific ICD-10 codes, regardless of whether they're listed Comorbid Diagnoses, Admit Diagnoses or Acquired Diagnoses.

Our implementation

This is a list of the ICD10 diagnoses that contribute to the Charlson Comorbidity Index.

Points are not included in the listings because the score depends on the combination of diagnoses. For example, if a patient has two diagnoses from the same Charlson component, they are only counted once. Also, if a patient has diagnoses from a lesser and more severe component of the same type (e.g. Diabetes without and with complications), only the higher one counts.

See Charlson Comorbidity scoring in ICD10 codes for more info.

See #How this page works for info on how these codes are stored on the wiki.

Listing of ICD10 comorbid codes

There are 231 of these:

ICD10 codeDiagnosis descriptionCharlson component
B24AIDS (disease due to HIV)AIDS/HIV
C14Lip or mouth or tonsils or pharynx, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C15Esophagus, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C16Stomach, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C17Small intestine, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C18Colon (large intestine), primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C20Rectum or anus, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C22Liver, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C23Gallbladder, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C24Biliary tract, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C25Pancreas, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C26.1Spleen, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C26.9GI organ NOS, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C30Nasal cavity or sinus or middle ear, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C32Larynx, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C33Trachea, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C34Lung and/or bronchus, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C37Thymus, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C38.0Heart, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C38.3Mediastinum, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C38.4Pleura, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C39Respiratory system NOS, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C41Bone or cartilage (any location), primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C43Skin, malignant melanomaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C45Mesothelioma (any site)Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C46Kaposi's sarcomaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C47Nerves, peripheral or autonomic, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C48.1Peritoneal tissue/peritoneum, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C49Connective or soft tissue NOS (external or internal), primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C50Breast, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C53Cervix, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C54Uterus, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C56Ovary, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C57Female genitalia NOS (internal or external), primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C58Placenta, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C61Prostate, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C62Testis (testicular), primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C63Male genitalia NOS (internal or external), primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C64Kidney, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C66Ureter, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C67Bladder, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C68Urinary organ NOS, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C69Eye, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C70Meninges, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C71Brain, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C72.0Spinal cord, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C72.9Central nervous system NOS, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C73Thyroid gland, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C74Adrenal gland, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C75.0Parathyroid gland, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C75.1Pituitary gland, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C75.9Endocrine gland NOS, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C76.0Head and neck and face, primary malignancyAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C76.8Primary malignancy (solid tumor) of site unknown or NOSAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C81Hodgkin's lymphoma (Hodgkin's disease)Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C84T-cell lymphomaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C85.7Non-Hodgkin's lymphomaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C85.8Lymphoma, NOSAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C88Malignant immunoproliferative diseaseAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C90.0Multiple myelomaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C90.1Plasma cell leukemiaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C90.21Plasmacytoma, NOSAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C91.0Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C91.1Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C91.3Prolymphocytic leukemiaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C91.4Hairy cell leukemiaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C91.5T-cell leukemiaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C91.7Lymphoid leukemia, NOSAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C92.0Acute myeloid leukemia (AML)Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C92.1Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML)Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C92.4Acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL)Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C92.5Acute myelomonocytic leukaemia (AMML)Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C93Monocytic leukemia, acute or chronicAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C94.0Acute erythroblastic leukemia (erythroleukemia)Any malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C94.2Acute megakaryoblastic leukemiaAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C95.0Leukemia, NOSAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
C96Malignancy (clonal disorder) of blood or lymphoid tissue, NOSAny malignancy, including lymphoma and leukemia, except of skin
G45Transient ischemic attack (TIA), all typesCerebrovascular disease
G46Vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseasesCerebrovascular disease
H34Retinal arterial occlusionCerebrovascular disease
I60Hemorrhage, subarachnoid or ruptured cerebral aneurysmCerebrovascular disease
I61Hemorrhage, intracerebral/intracranial, nontraumatic (ICH, hemorrhagic stroke)Cerebrovascular disease
I62Subdural or epidural hematoma/hemorrhage, nontraumaticCerebrovascular disease
I63.4Cerebral infarction/stroke due to embolismCerebrovascular disease
I63.9Cerebral infarction/stroke, NOSCerebrovascular disease
I64Stroke, NOSCerebrovascular disease
I65Stenosis, narrowing or occlusion of precerebral arteriesCerebrovascular disease
I67.1Cerebral aneurysm, nonrupturedCerebrovascular disease
I67.4Encephalopathy, hypertensiveCerebrovascular disease
I67.83Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome (PRES)Cerebrovascular disease
I67.84Cerebral vasospasmCerebrovascular disease
I67.9Cerebrovascular disease, NOSCerebrovascular disease
I27.81Cor pulmonale (right heart failure due to lung disease without left heart failure)Chronic pulmonary disease
I27.82Pulmonary embolism (thromboembolism), chronicChronic pulmonary disease
I27.9Pulmonary hypertension, NOSChronic pulmonary disease
J40Bronchitis, acute or chronic not specified, infectious or noninfectiousChronic pulmonary disease
J42Bronchitis, chronic, infectious or noninfectiousChronic pulmonary disease
J43.9Pulmonary emphysema or bullous disease without COPDChronic pulmonary disease
J44.1COPD, acute exacerbationChronic pulmonary disease
J44.8COPD, without exacerbationChronic pulmonary disease
J45.901Asthma, acute exacerbationChronic pulmonary disease
J45.909Asthma, without acute exacerbationChronic pulmonary disease
J45.91Status asthmaticusChronic pulmonary disease
J47BronchiectasisChronic pulmonary disease
J60Coalworker's pneumoconiosis (black lung disease)Chronic pulmonary disease
J61Asbestos lung diseaseChronic pulmonary disease
J62Silicosis of the lung (pneumoconiosis)Chronic pulmonary disease
J64Pneumoconiosis, NOSChronic pulmonary disease
J66Airway disease due to inhaled organic dustChronic pulmonary disease
J67.90Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)Chronic pulmonary disease
J67.99Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (extrinsic allergic alveoliltis), NOSChronic pulmonary disease
J70.4Interstitial lung disease, drug-induced (acute or chronic)Chronic pulmonary disease
I09Rheumatic heart disease, chronicCongestive heart failure
I11Heart disease, hypertensive (hypertensive cardiomyopathy)Congestive heart failure
I25.5Cardiomyopathy, ischemicCongestive heart failure
I42.0Cardiomyopathy, dilatedCongestive heart failure
I42.1Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic obstructive (HOCM, IHSS)Congestive heart failure
I42.6Cardiomyopathy, alcoholicCongestive heart failure
I42.7Cardiomyopathy, due to infection, drugs or external agents NOSCongestive heart failure
I42.9Cardiomyopathy, NOSCongestive heart failure
I50.0Congestive heart failure, NOSCongestive heart failure
I50.1Congestive heart failure with pulmonary edemaCongestive heart failure
I50.9Heart failure, NOSCongestive heart failure
F01.1Multi-infarct dementiaDementia
F03Dementia, NOSDementia
G30Alzheimer's disease/dementiaDementia
E10.6Diabetes mellitus type 1, with chronic complication (code complications separately)Diabetes with chronic complications
E11.6Diabetes mellitus type 2, with chronic complication (code complications separately)Diabetes with chronic complications
E14.2Diabetes mellitus chronic complication: NephropathyDiabetes with chronic complications
E14.3Diabetes mellitus chronic complication: RetinopathyDiabetes with chronic complications
E14.4Diabetes mellitus chronic complication: NeuropathyDiabetes with chronic complications
E14.5Diabetes mellitus chronic complication: CardiovascularDiabetes with chronic complications
E14.6Diabetes mellitus, type not specified, with chronic complication (code complications separately)Diabetes with chronic complications
E14.60Diabetes mellitus chronic complication: MusculoskeletalDiabetes with chronic complications
E14.68Diabetes mellitus chronic complication NOSDiabetes with chronic complications
E14.7Diabetes mellitus chronic complication: Foot ulcerDiabetes with chronic complications
E10.9Diabetes mellitus type 1, without chronic complicationsDiabetes without chronic complications
E11.9Diabetes mellitus type 2 without chronic complicationsDiabetes without chronic complications
E14.9Diabetes mellitus, type not specified, without chronic complicationsDiabetes without chronic complications
G81Hemiplegia (paralysis of one side)Hemiplegia or paraplegia
G82Paraplegia or quadraplegia/tetraplegiaHemiplegia or paraplegia
G83.3Monoplegia (paralysis of one limb only)Hemiplegia or paraplegia
G83.9Paralytic syndrome, NOSHemiplegia or paraplegia
C77Lymph nodes, metastatic malignancy to them (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C78.0Lung, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C78.2Pleura, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C78.3Respiratory system NOS, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C78.6Peritoneum, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C78.7Liver or biliary system, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C78.8Gastrointestinal system NOS, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C79.0Urinary system NOS, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C79.3Brain or meninges, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C79.5Bone or bone marrow, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C79.7Adrenal gland, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C79.9Site NOS, metastatic malignancy to it (also code primary site)Metastatic solid tumor
C7A.0Malignant carcinoid tumorMetastatic solid tumor
B18.1Hepatitis B, chronicMild liver disease
B18.2Hepatitis C, chronicMild liver disease
B18.9Viral hepatitis, chronic, NOSMild liver disease
K70.1Hepatitis, alcoholicMild liver disease
K70.9Liver disease without liver failure, alcoholicMild liver disease
K71.9Liver disease without liver failure due to toxin/drugMild liver disease
K73Liver disease/hepatitis, chronic NOSMild liver disease
K74.3Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC)Mild liver disease
K75.0Liver abscessMild liver disease
K75.4Hepatitis, autoimmuneMild liver disease
K75.8Liver, nonalcoholic steatohepatosis (NASH)Mild liver disease
K76.0Fatty liver (hepatosteatosis)Mild liver disease
K76.9Disorder of liver, NOSMild liver disease
Z94.4Past history, transplanted liverMild liver disease
I85Esophageal varices, NOSModerate or severe liver disease
I85.0Esophageal varices, with hemorrhageModerate or severe liver disease
I85.9Esophageal varices, without hemorrhageModerate or severe liver disease
I86.4Gastric varices (with or without hemorrhage)Moderate or severe liver disease
K70.3Liver cirrhosis, alcoholicModerate or severe liver disease
K70.4Liver failure, alcoholic, w/wo hepatic encephalopathyModerate or severe liver disease
K71.1Liver failure due to toxin/drug NOS, w/wo hepatic encephalopathyModerate or severe liver disease
K72.0Liver failure w/wo hepatic encephalopathy, acute or subacute NOSModerate or severe liver disease
K72.1Liver failure w/wo hepatic encephalopathy, chronic NOSModerate or severe liver disease
K72.9Liver failure w/wo hepatic encephalopathy, not specified as acute or chronicModerate or severe liver disease
K76.6Portal hypertensionModerate or severe liver disease
K76.7Hepatorenal syndromeModerate or severe liver disease
K76.81Hepatopulmonary syndrome, NOSModerate or severe liver disease
I21.3Myocardial infarction (STEMI), acute (AMI), transmural (Q-wave)Myocardial infarction
I21.4Myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), acute (AMI), subendocardial/non-transmural (non-Q-wave)Myocardial infarction
I21.9Myocardial infarction, acute (AMI), NOSMyocardial infarction
I25.2Past history, myocardial infarction (old MI)Myocardial infarction
K25.4Gastric ulcer, with hemorrhagePeptic ulcer disease
K25.5Gastric ulcer with perforationPeptic ulcer disease
K25.9Gastric ulcer, NOSPeptic ulcer disease
K26.4Duodenal ulcer, with hemorrhagePeptic ulcer disease
K26.5Duodenal ulcer with perforationPeptic ulcer disease
K26.9Duodenal ulcer, NOSPeptic ulcer disease
K27.4Peptic ulcer, site unspecified, with hemorrhagePeptic ulcer disease
K27.5Peptic ulcer, site unspecified, with perforationPeptic ulcer disease
K27.9Peptic ulcer, site unspecifiied, NOSPeptic ulcer disease
I70.1Atherosclerosis of renal arteryPeripheral vascular disease
I70.2Atherosclerosis of arteries of arms or legsPeripheral vascular disease
I70.9Atherosclerosis of arteries, NOSPeripheral vascular disease
I72Arterial aneurysm or dissection, NOSPeripheral vascular disease
K55.1Mesenteric ischemia, chronicPeripheral vascular disease
K55.9Mesenteric ischemia, NOSPeripheral vascular disease
I12Kidney disease, hypertensiveRenal disease
N03Nephritic syndrome, chronicRenal disease
N04Nephrotic syndromeRenal disease
N05Nephritic syndrome, NOSRenal disease
N11Kidney infection, chronic (pyelonephritis)Renal disease
N12Kidney, tubulo-interstitial nephritis/diseaseRenal disease
N14Kidney, nephropathy, drug or toxin inducedRenal disease
N18.1Chronic kidney disease (chronic renal insufficiency, uremia) Stage 1, GFR GT 90Renal disease
N18.2Chronic kidney disease (chronic renal insufficiency, uremia) Stage 2, GFR 60-89Renal disease
N18.3Chronic kidney disease (chronic renal insufficiency, uremia) Stage 3, GFR 30-59Renal disease
N18.4Chronic kidney disease (chronic renal insufficiency, uremia) Stage 4, GFR 15-29Renal disease
N18.5Chronic kidney disease (end-stage renal/kidney disease, ESRD), Stage 5, GFR LT 15Renal disease
N18.9Chronic kidney/renal disease, NOS (stage unspecified)Renal disease
N19Kidney, renal failure/insufficiency/uremia, unspecified as acute or chronicRenal disease
N25.0Kidney, renal osteodystrophyRenal disease
N25.1Diabetes insipidus (DI), nephrogenicRenal disease
N25.8Kidney, renal tubular acidosis (RTA, all types)Renal disease
N25.9Kidney, renal tubular disorder, NOSRenal disease
Z49Renal dialysis care, including dialysis itselfRenal disease
Z94.0Past history, transplanted kidneyRenal disease
M05Rheumatoid arthritis, joint involvementRheumatic disease
M05.1Rheumatoid arthritis lung diseaseRheumatic disease
M05.3Rheumatoid arthritis, involvement of organs NOSRheumatic disease
M06.4Inflammatory/immune arthritis, NOSRheumatic disease
M32Systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE, lupus)Rheumatic disease
M33Dermatomyositis/polymyositisRheumatic disease
M34Scleroderma or CREST syndrome (systemic sclerosis)Rheumatic disease
M35.1Collagen-vascular overlap syndromeRheumatic disease
M35.3Polymyalgia rheumaticaRheumatic disease

Semantic annotations

This will appear empty but here is where you would edit the content of the table above.

populated using query s_ICD10_Charlson_Comorbids in CCMDB.accdb. If you edit here, make sure you update all related data in the database! wikiline

How this page works

#Listing of ICD10 comorbid codes contains a semantic query that lists the data.

#Semantic annotations contains calls to Template:ICD10 Charlson which populates the semantic data that drive the listing. That part can be populated directly from column "wikiline" of the S ICD10 Charlson Comorbids query.