Instructions for requesting a batch of data from DSM

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This article describes how to generate the requestor file for the DSM Lab Extract. The file is stored on a file share that DSM can access. See Instructions for importing a batch of DSM Data for the related import process.

How frequently to request

We will request quarterly.

Initially our DSM contact had concerns about workload and wanted a lower frequency, but then he said "Send on the ‘requestor’ file as often as you want to see the output and I will make the time." (as per email from Alun Carter, Monday, February 06, 2017 10:50)

Instruction/steps for requesting data

  1. copy files to local, they are large and won't work well on a share.
  2. open DSM Labs Consistency check.accdb
  3. Reconnect all the tables
    • right click L_Log and then click Linked Table Manager
    • Click Select all then OK.
    • Click L_Log (CUsers\ptorres\Desktop\Dsm) then OK click desktop then go to the folder name 2017.09.06DSM.
    • Click L_PHI (CUsers\ptorres\Desktop\Dsm)then OK click desktop then go to the folder name 2017.09.06DSM.
    • Once you linked all the tables it will tell you" All selected linked tables were successfully refreshed".
  4. click the "Export requestor file" button
  5. follow the wizard, which will export a file to the shared folder and start an email to DSM
  6. close Access and delete files you had copied
  7. enter at the top of the log below when you requested data, and for what range

missing dispo dates

if at import time a dispo dttm is still missing it will be replaced with Now().


The request process asks for all, and the import process de-duplicates, so there should be no gaps or overlaps.


eg copy/paste and fill in the following:

* ~~~~~ - requested labs 
  • 12:00, 2018 October 31 (CDT) - requested labs SendDtTm from 2018-07-11 until 2018-10-31
  • 14:48, 2018 July 11 (CDT) - requested labs for SendDtTm from 2018-06-19 until 2018-07-11
  • 13:36, 2018 June 19 (CDT) - requested labs for SendDtTm from 2018-04-05 until 2018-06-19
  • 14:29, 2018 April 5 (CDT) - requested labs for SendDtTm from 2018-01-25 until 2018-04-05
  • 14:26, 2018 January 25 (CST) - requested labs for SendDtTm from 2017-10-26 until 2018-01-25
  • 13:51, 2017 October 26 (CDT) - requested labs for SendDtTm from 2016-12-31 until 2017-10-26
  • 14:10, 2017 March 14 (CDT) - requested labs for SendDtTm from 2016-08-30 until 2016-12-31
  • 16:05, 2016 October 17 (CDT) - requested labs for SendDtTm from 2016-08-01 (but use 1980-01-01 for import because first one) until 2016-08-30
  • 2015-12-?? - Discharge date 2015-04-01 - 2015-04-30

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