Data Integrity Checks
If dx is (Brain death;Medical Assistance In Dying;Sudden cardiac death (and died)) then Dispo field must be deceased or transplant location
[[Brain death]], [[Medical Assistance In Dying]], [[Sudden cardiac death (and died)]], Dispo field, Deceased patients
hard check
query check_ICD10_dx_implying_death_must_have_appropriate_dispo
Uses L Problem table:
not relevant for this app
needs review
Implementation Date:
"CCMDB.mdb" is not in the list (SAP, not entered, Centralized data front end.accdb, DSM Labs Consistency check.accdb, CCMDB.accdb, TISS28.accdb) of allowed values for the "DICApp" property. Property "DICRelatedConcepts" (as page type) with input value "Brain death" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process., Property "DICRelatedConcepts" (as page type) with input value "Medical Assistance In Dying" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process., Property "DICRelatedConcepts" (as page type) with input value "Sudden cardiac death (and died)" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
(built query but not applied yet)
- presumably organ donation always happens in an OR. So, pt would always have Dispo OR when sent for organ donation. But if that's true, then when do we ever use Dispo = "Died - organ donor"? The way I read Dispo_field#deceased_patients we would not code the OR/ICU, but the desire for this cross-check makes me wonder if we are all on the same page about this. Collectors, do you ever code OR/ICU as dispo for a brain dead organ donor? Julie, do you expect to see them coded as that? (emailed Julie and collectors) Ttenbergen 16:45, 2018 November 24 (CST)
- When there is a braindead patient waiting for transplant we always put dispo to OR once they go there. Putting the time of death as the time of braindeath will not work because we continue to look after the patient for quite a while after the pronouncement of braindeath (even for 1 or 2 days or more). The tiss extends longer and there are interventions that we code after braindeath. If we put died: organ donor for these patients, what time would we put there as the actual time of death?? --LKolesar 05:31, 2018 November 26 (CST)
- I have been following the instruction on the Organ Donor page, so the dispo location is "died - organ donor" and the date/time is when the patient leaves to the OR. For these patients I don't put the actual time of death, but in ICD10 we can put the date for Brain death and Sudden cardiac death (and died) --Jvelasco 08:29, 2018 November 26 (CST)
- I also use the dispo location "died - organ donor" when pt leaves to OR using that time as time of death. Pts can be in ICU for days after brain death is declared. --Llovell 11:03, 2018 November 26 (CST)
- We don't often see this at the Grace because they are transferred out to another facility if they are an organ donor, but I do not code the braindeath as the time of disposition, I would code it as a complication and the disposition date and time would be the transfer to another facility Lisa Kaita 10:15, 2018 November 27 (CST)
Acceptable Dispo entries
Transplant Locations
Possible locations to which to transfer a deceased Organ donor (organ/tissue donation by the donor)
are OR or ICU.
"Death" entries for Dispo
- "Died - NOT organ donor"
- "Died - organ donor"
Diagnoses implying death
Diagnosis implying death codes:
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