Correcting suspect links

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This article is about the LinkList form in CFE.


is this still being used? If so it will have to change as part of change to Deceased patients. So if yes answer and change the "who" to Tina.

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  1. be sure you have completed Populate linking pairs
  2. click the open suspect links button on the Main Form; opening this can take a few seconds.
  3. for each entry in the "Apply Query" drop-down; see links for more info

Do these need to be done in a specific order?

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Follow steps in Processing errors in patient data to address any errors

Link suspect negative transfer time query

After correcting the query and if still showing the negative query click the "populate linking_pairs" again and it will update the linking error.


The form will list any query that starts with "link_suspect_" in the "apply query" drop-down. If a choice is made in the drop-down, the resulting data is then listed in a format that should facilitate fixing it.

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