Hi Dr. Garland,A thought came up after the last Task meeting related to the discussion on using Service LOS vs. Physical bed LOS (location). We also have A/D/H service patients go to the ward D5. This ward is typically less acute and patients will transfer to D5 from all of the medicine wards (A4/H4/D4/B3/H7). The patients retain their service (A/D/H) while they are on D5, some patients will switch attending (to the D5 Attending), others will stay with the same Attending they had prior to arrival on D5, but the service will remain the same. The Attendings on D5 do not have a specific service and, there is no rule as to which patients switch to the D5 attending. Some patients will be discharged from D5 still under the same Attending that cared for them prior to arrival on D5.
When patients leave A4/D4/H4/B3/H7 their profiles are completed (discharged) by the designated ward collector and a new profile is created by the D5 collector.Thanks, Val Penner, May 16.19
- AG THOUGHTS -- given the variability in where a ward patients is/goes and which service takes care of them, dealing with this issue requires us to know what the powers that be want as respect to how we keep track of LOS. Do they WANT by physical ward, or service, or something else?