Hospitalization ID

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Revision as of 10:14, 10 June 2021 by Ttenbergen (talk | contribs)
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Data Element (edit)
Field Name: Person_ID
CCMDB Label: N/A
CCMDB tab: not stated
Table: L Log table, L Person table
Data type: number
Length: long integer
Program: Med and CC
Created/Raw: Created
Start Date: 1988-07-11
End Date: 2300-01-01
Sort Index: 1

Not currently used

  • SMW

Legacy implementation right in the table

  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Forms

Field was created at same time as Person_ID, but never populated. It would have been hard to populated when first created and we never got around to it.

- Using ClientVisitGUID from Cognos =

Cognos data includes a field ClientVisitGUID, which is the identifier per hospitalization in EPR. We could use that field to populate this field. One advantage would be that ClientVisitGUID remains the same even when other data is corrected for a John Doe. One disadvantage is that not all our profiles are entered from Cognos, and this field would be blank for those that are not. Colletors can't look the field up in EPR, so it would have to come from Cognos data.

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