Sending Patients

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Sending Patients is the process of using the CCMDB.mdb to export the data collected patients that has been final checked to the format that can be imported into TMSX.

  • When you finalize your data and press the "send" button Access automatically exports it to the folder corresponding to that collection's location in the Output folder on the Regional Server.

January 7, 2010

  • As of January 7, 2010 you must look at your data file on the Regional Server after you send it out from your Access Program. Use the Regional Server shortcut on your desktop, navigate to the "Output" folder, then to the folder corresponding to your location. The filenames in the output folder are automatically generated by Access following the sent files naming conventions. Example: M_45_HSC_B2_to.csv. Open the file and make sure the correct number of patients that you sent are in this file. Close the file. Do not press Save If you don't see your file there, close the Regional Server and then reopen and navigate as described above. If there is a problem contact Tina or Trish.--TOstryzniuk 18:24, 7 January 2010 (CST)
  • Collectors will no longer call Pagasa to check if the data files arrived on the Regional Server. Part of the collection process is to ensure that your data was sent to the Regional Server. Pagasa is spending far to much time doing these simple checks. If you need further assistance on how to check if your data files were all sent to server don't hesitate to call Trish or Tina.

related, moved from CCMDB.mdb

Deleting data on PDA after sending from access

What is the process everyone should follow before deleting sent patients from the PDA? Some people check with Pagasa, some check on the regional server that data has actually been posted. Is it a common occurrence for data not to have been posted? Ttenbergen 22:32, 4 May 2009 (CDT) Template:Discussion

  • go to regional server Output folder.

Check Vic folder go to recent batch #.CSV check files, scroll to ensure all files present. say no to save if you change anything. Delete completed profiles off PDA. gogogirl 16:19, 18 March 2009 (CDT)

  • After closing access I click on output, then your unit open up the info and check. eg the number of completes, admits, comorbs, etc. I then delete my completes on my PDA--PStein 08:36, 18 March 2009 (CDT)
  • After sending you check your output by opening twister and clicking on output, then find your site and click on the batch number csv you just sent. Your sent files should appear, scroll across and make sure the areas that have to have information in them ie. admit date and time etc. are filled in. If everything looks OK close out and you can deiete your completed files. Lois -- LBilesky 14:47, 17 March 2009 (CDT)

Wednesday is the weekly sending day

  • Every Wednesday.
  • If for some reason you cannot send in on a WEDNESDAY for that week, you must call Pagasa Data Processor PRIOR TO SENDING data on any other day of the week.
  • We are continuously working with these files on the Regional Server. In order not to lose any of the data files, the Data Processor must make sure that we close out of these files before you send in data on any other day of the week. --TOstryzniuk 14:49, 13 October 2009 (CDT)

How to send completed files

These instructions start after you have synced your PDA.

Opening Access

  • Double-click the New Programs folder on your desktop
  • Double-click the icon for your site/ward
  • Enter the tasty password
  • "Critical Care and Med Database - (your site)" should be up
  • (this step is entirely optional) - Find Orphans; if you have some, see Orphans
  • (this step is entirely optional, the check will run when you send otherwise) - Make sure you have no errors in Pre-Send TmpV2 checker
    • (this step is entirely optional) - if you have errors, correct them; if they are only on patients you are sending today, you can correct them in Access directly. If there are also errors on patients you are not sending, you should correct them on the PDA and re-sync
  • Click "Edit Patients"
  • Click on the filter button (looks like a funnel/filter/wine glass) to review only profiles marked complete

Checking ready-to-send patients

  • For each profile:
    • Check for accuracy and correct any errors
    • click the Final check box in the upper right hand corner

Yellow fields and error messages

  • Yellow fields indicate missing, erroneous or internally inconsistent data; see the error field in the bottom of the screen for explanations
  • correct the error and try to check the box for the tab again to re-check
    • to delete a diagnosis/drug/lab/etc click on the box to the left of the line. An arrow will appear. Click the "delete" key on your keyboard (or right-click, delete) to delete the line.

Sending Patients

  • Click the "Send Records" button
  • Enter batch number and click "OK" (where do you get which number to enter Ttenbergen 22:01, 4 May 2009 (CDT)) Template:Discussion
    • We keep a record of batches sent. Some record batches sent on a "batch log" sheet. Some print a sheet the Sent Report from ACCESS after sending which lists serial numbers and names of the pts in the sent file. You then write at the top of the sheet the batch number and date sent. This sheet gets filed in a folder.--MWaschuk 10:13, 5 May 2009 (CDT)
      • Are the batch log sheets ever used to look something up again? Ttenbergen 13:17, 6 May 2009 (CDT)
        • I use it as a guide for deleting profiles from the pda, and after that I never look at them again. It is proof of when and if a profile has been sent. If I want to look something up I usually use my log book.BDeVlaming 17:47, 6 May 2009 (CDT)
  • Check the initials and click "OK"
  • edit PDA_Status.csv
  • how much of the following is related to the status.csv, and how much to getting out of Access... could it be pulled apart?
  • FORMAT COLUMN AUTOFIT click dates appear discharges not sent will come up false click on G and type reason not sent
  • File print record exit save all yes
  • Go to: Sent Files to Batch print. What are you printing from here?TOstryzniuk 19:27, 11 March 2009 (CDT)
  • Exit


  • Several prints are mentioned here. What is done with these print-outs, where are they filed, what are they used for?Ttenbergen 13:22, 11 February 2009 (CST)
  • Again - Could someone please comment on what is being printed, and what is done with the print-outs? Thanks, Ttenbergen 22:01, 4 May 2009 (CDT)
    • The print out records the serial number and names of the pt in the sent file. This sheet is then filed in a folder. The batch number and date sent is written at the top of the sheet.--MWaschuk 10:15, 5 May 2009 (CDT)
      • Are the print-outs ever used to look something up again? Ttenbergen 13:17, 6 May 2009 (CDT)
        • I use it as a guide for deleting profiles from the pda, and after that I never look at them again.BDeVlaming 17:51, 6 May 2009 (CDT)
          • Can I assume this is all about the Sent Report? If so, let's move this discussion there. Ttenbergen 10:54, 24 September 2009 (CDT)


Paperwork is sent through the interhospital mail (MCL) and arrive with 1 to 2 days after electronically sending in the CSV files

The following forms are sent:

  • TISS
  • Green Sheets
  • the previous months log sheets are sent with the first envelope of the new month
  • Manually collected data forms
    • What are these other forms? If there are more, list them, otherwise please take out this last point about manually collected data forms Template:Discussion

What happens when patients are sent

CCMDB.mdb does the following things in this order when sending:

  1. a check is run to see if the Regional Server is accessible
  2. ensure that the location and program are consistent, i.e. a CC location must end in "CU"
  3. Tmp_Checker makes sure that entries in L_TmpV2 are acceptable
  4. the output file for import into TMSX/MedTMS is generated
  5. generate Hosp_ward_pending.xls
  6. data is dumped into PDA_Pending.mdb
  7. PDA Status.csv is generated, and excel is opened to edit it to explain why discharged patients are not sent
  8. Output Databases
    1. open DBs
    2. data dumped to Greensheets.mdb
    3. data dumped to TASKS.mdb
    4. data dumped to TmpV2_1.mdb
    5. close DBs
  9. the Sent Report is displayed
  10. File explorer is opened to Regional Server\Output\<Hosp>_<Ward> to confirm files were sent