CCMDB.mdb Change Log 2013
see Log (disambiguation) for other uses of the term "Log" see the Development Documentation Category for other development logs
The CCMDB.mdb Change Log logs changes made to the CCMDB.mdb. New entries should be made at the top to be immediately apparent.
Enter requested CCMDB changes for the next version in that article.
ver 2013-03-20
not rolled out yet Ttenbergen 12:44, 2013 March 20 (EDT) changes collectors will want to know about:
- fixing pharm sending...
Changes collectors don't need to know about:
- updated logistic regression threshold to .4 Ttenbergen 12:46, 2013 March 20 (EDT)
ver 2013-03-11
rolled out Ttenbergen 15:18, 2013 March 14 (EDT)
You need to be plugged into the network the first time you run the program because it will attempt to download a new data file.
- changes data collectors need to know about:
- implementing update for new Drugs Collected Ttenbergen 14:38, 2013 March 11 (EDT)
- details collectors don't need to know about:
- (leaving L_Pharm table as is for now because changing it would require accomodating existing data)
- changed error messaging related to updating ccmdb_data.mdb, ie Module DB_Converter - Ttenbergen 17:32, 2013 March 11 (EDT)
- update forms to accommodate new data - Ttenbergen 17:32, 2013 March 11 (EDT)
- deleted legacy tables send_labs and send_pharm - Ttenbergen 17:34, 2013 March 11 (EDT)
- update sending to accommodate new structure
- updated query send_pharmacy -
- updated query L_Pharm_FlowSheet_sum -
- implemented queries to convert drugs now y/n to L_Log format: Ttenbergen 14:52, 2013 March 14 (EDT)
- 20130311_update_L_Log_from_L_Pharm
- 20130311_pharm_converter
ver 2013-02-28
rolled out Ttenbergen 16:03, 2013 February 28 (EST)
- changed "project" column for project ABO TEE to "A_T ..." Ttenbergen
ver 2013-02-21
rolled out Ttenbergen 16:42, 2013 February 21 (EST)
- changes collectors might want to know about:
- made First and Lastname bold in patient list to make them easier to read
- fixed sorting for MR list oldest discharge first
- changes collectors don't need to know about:
- changed new patient handling to accommodate patient IDs to big for integer data type
ver 2013-02-13
rolled out Ttenbergen 14:41, 2013 February 13 (EST)
- Overstay tmp field "From location missing" was set up accidentally so it would automatically be entered for every new patient; changed to not auto-populate Ttenbergen 10:25, 2013 February 13 (EST)
- fixed problem evaluating variable Dementia_AdCo, it was being set to a diagnosis code rather than a yes/no Ttenbergen 10:50, 2013 February 13 (EST)
- fixed Function adlmean_age_function used to calculate Adlmean_age, equation was not bracketed right Ttenbergen 10:50, 2013 February 13 (EST)
ver 2013-02-04
rolled out Ttenbergen 18:40, 2013 February 8 (EST)
important changes collectors need to know about
- added Overstay "from other" option to s_tmp to address from jail or homeless Ttenbergen 15:52, 2013 February 7 (EST)
- added MR List sorted by oldest discharge date first Ttenbergen 14:48, 2013 February 7 (EST)
- implemented new scoring algorithm and updated Overstay Predictor Project Collection Instructions correspondingly Ttenbergen 18:34, 2013 February 8 (EST)
less important changes collectors need to know about
- corrected coding in how patients are coloured for overstay:
- if "from" missing treat as if not from nursing home; the message said it would be treated as that before, but the patients were in fact coloured as if a question had been "no".
- this was because the same "check" value was used both for missing questions and for missing admit from info; added "admit-from data missing" and updated instructions at Overstay_Predictor_Project_Collection_Instructions#admitted_fromTtenbergen 15:02, 2013 February 7 (EST)
- if there are fewer than 6 entries (either answers of lines with "missing"), NurseFormEval used to eval as "red", will now turn "undefined"
- before, only less than 6 questions would trigger a msg to collector that number of answers is wrong, now <>6 will. Ttenbergen 15:09, 2013 February 7 (EST)
- earlier addition of automatically entered "Enter "from"" entries disabled the checking for lacking "from" entries; from entry checking should now work and not generate a colour unless exactly one from line is present Ttenbergen 15:30, 2013 February 7 (EST)
- if "from" missing treat as if not from nursing home; the message said it would be treated as that before, but the patients were in fact coloured as if a question had been "no".
changes collectors don't need to know about
- changed diagnosis spelling "TIA'S (Transient Ischemic Attacks)" to "TIAs (Transient Ischemic Attacks)"; the TIAs aren't owning anything, it's a plural Ttenbergen 17:47, 2013 February 7 (EST)
- fixed spelling for Pheochromocytoma, was Pheocromocytoma Ttenbergen 22:05, 2013 February 7 (EST)
- implemented queries s_charlson_dx (charlson score component comorbids max score) and s_charlson_score (charlson score total) Ttenbergen 22:48, 2013 February 7 (EST)
ver 2013-01-29
rolled out Ttenbergen 14:24, 2013 January 31 (EST)
- added "z not available" to each item for Project ABO TEE
- changed query driving the tmp form to display lines for which no entry exist in s_tmp, e.g. lines without project/item, so they can be fixed Ttenbergen 14:14, 2013 January 31 (EST)
ver 2013-01-28
rolled out yesterday Ttenbergen 13:47, 2013 January 29 (EST)
- tweaks to Project ABO TEE
- implement ABO TEE LV fraction options as per discussion on wiki - Ttenbergen 13:51, 2013 January 28 (EST)
ver 2013-01-26
rolled out Ttenbergen 10:50, 2013 January 28 (EST)
- Changes reviewed. Think I answered all your questions. Lois needs to final confirm your question about ABO TEE - LV range or exact Value.
- fixed Med Var 5 for GRA and Vic
- the option was present in s_varOptions, but the field had been made invisible in Public Sub Legacy_Hider()
- implemented Project ABO TEE - Ttenbergen 17:33, 2013 January 25 (EST)
- changed uncontrolled HTN to Uncontrolled Hypertension - Ttenbergen 17:33, 2013 January 25 (EST)
- changed Tracheostomy site infection to list as an infection - Ttenbergen 17:51, 2013 January 25 (EST)
- added Overstay entry capability for the Vic Ttenbergen 10:40, 2013 January 28 (EST)