TISS28 Form Scanning
The purpose of this article is to outline the process of scanning TISS28 paper forms, verifying the data in Teleform and committing the data to the TISS28 MS Access database.
These instructions are applicable to the following:
- Teleform version 10.9 installed in a PC running Windows 7
- Scanning to a network share from a multifunction printer/scanner
For additional information see this article: Teleform
Start Date
January 1, 2013
- TISS28 data for the entire LOS is scanned and stored in new repository TISS28_Data.mdb. This form has 7 days per page.
Prior to starting scanning
- Review each TISS and black blob those that you can tell verifier will not pick up well.
- page numbers don't fuss, does not matter what page number is the form. Use 001
TISS data grouping in the TISS28 Data.mdb
- tissdata.mdb stores TISS by groups and date order.
- there is an issue that for some TISS, they are not being grouped in TISS.mdb. Not sure why. Sheila Rusnak has pointed this out several times. When searching for tiss.data.mdb to find what is already scanned you may have to find NEXT, one page is not being grouped as it should be with other site serial Location.
- when location is changed after importing scanned forms into TISS28 Data.mdb, we find that when looking in this mdb, the TISS will no longer be GROUPED together for location and consective dates. PTorres 12:03, 2015 October 2 (CDT)
- Not sure if this can be fixed.
- the next guy must know that because location is common error and does not get picked up and fixed until after importing in TISS28.Data.mdb, will have to click "next" in the mdb to see if addition forms is there.
- Not sure if this can be fixed.
- when location is changed after importing scanned forms into TISS28 Data.mdb, we find that when looking in this mdb, the TISS will no longer be GROUPED together for location and consective dates. PTorres 12:03, 2015 October 2 (CDT)
- there is an issue that for some TISS, they are not being grouped in TISS.mdb. Not sure why. Sheila Rusnak has pointed this out several times. When searching for tiss.data.mdb to find what is already scanned you may have to find NEXT, one page is not being grouped as it should be with other site serial Location.
Steps required to Navigating through Teleform Programs.
Scanning forms
On the scanner:
- put forms into scanner
- on scanner interface, click "Scan to Network"
- click "Scan to Network" a second time
- click "change..."
- under "sides(duplex)" choose "2 sided"
- under "Scan As" choose TIFF
- click "Scan it" button
Teleform ScanStation
On the Scanner PC:
- Double-click on the Teleform ScanStation shortcut on the desktop
- Select File, New Batch
- Click Start buttom in bottom left
- Click Accept
- leave Teleform Scan Station open
- Double-click on the Teleform Verifier shortcut on the desktop
- click on the line with the latest batch number, status column should say "Ready for Correction"
- click the "Process" button on the right
- click the "AB12" button in the button bar to change view to form view
- correct all entries the program presents
- when dialog box asks "save corrections to results file" click OK
- right-click the batch and click "Commit"; say "OK" to "Commit batch data?"
Importing Tiss
- Open the Tiss 28 Database
- Click Importing tiss data
- A message will come out telling the numbers of tiss forms imported successfully
- It will show up tiss serial number imported and you can check against the tiss forms
Update TISS28.mdb
- Once you finished importing all the tiss
- Open the TISS28.mdb
- Click Prepared Report
- Click the Data by Patient and Date View and then click "Run" it takes 3 minutes to run
- After running the Data by Patient and Data View Click Count of Tiss items
Scan batch number recording & temporary form stacking
- After you import a group of tiss, put the batch number only on the first form then stack it beside the work station.
Disposing of the tiss forms
- We keep 3 months of tiss form stack then we confidential waste the oldest tiss group stack.
Error Checker Run by SAS
- To run this program use the laptop or Julie's computer with SAS program
- Double click on the SAS 9.3 a message will pop up click "close"
- Go to File then Open program
- Go to My Computer to look for the X drive
- On X drive double click on PAGASA's folder
- Double click on Tiss 28 folder
- Double click on "chkTiss28CD_ver6" and you will see the program
- You have to change the date on "version=ddmmmyy" to the current date
- Change also the date on "enddate=ddmmmyyyy" to the currecnt date
- Then click run "picture of a man walking" about 5 minutes to run
- Click Save
- Click (X) it will ask you if you want to replace the previous output click "Yes"
- Will ask you if sure to leave SAS click "Yes"
Steps for Processing of TISS errors Error
TISS Error Output from SAS is located in\\Hsc1msfp0001\med_ccmed\PAGASA\TISS28
- Open the Tiss28Errors_01Oct2015_b_rtf, to see the output error.
- Copy the list in excell so you can manipulate the filter.
- Error on: Date,Location, Missing day or Extra day, checked the "EPR" to see patient visit info.
- If after investigation you cannot reconcile the error that is the only time you ask the collector by email or by phone.
To navigate in EPR get the chart number or you can search by name also.
- Click File then Find Patient then enter the chart number on the ID and the site location on the IDlocation then Search.
- Note for Stb you have to add "0" then the chart number then Search, for other sites you dont need to do that.
- Once you get patient name highlighted it then click Shows visits.
- Click the date you want to see the admission then click "OK".
- Then click to Registration then Visit Location then Location History will pop up the admission of the patient.
- It appear that: Sometimes TISS form is printed out other times not. Sometimes a for is filled out for missing day and scanned in, other times not and extra day manually added to TISS28 Data.mdb.
Disposal of TISS forms
After error correction is completed for a batch the forms will be disposed as confidential waste.
We will test that disposal is OK for 4 weeks. During this time Pagasa will keep the forms for every error correction episode in a pile (no further processing or sorting). If, by 2015-May-15, we are comfortable that we have not had to refer back to the forms we will start to dispose of them right away as per above. At that point this paragraph can be deleted.
Filing of TISS28 forms
Being stored as electronic and paper form.
Electronic Images
The scanned images are stored on the following network share:
- \\hsc1msfp0001\med_ccmed\TISS28\ExportData\Images
This share has a sub-folder for each batch that has been processed. Currently there are two types of batch numbers. Any folder in this directory with the suffix: "_old" is pre-Windows7. The Windows 7 upgrade involved upgrading Teleform. The Teleform upgrade caused a reset to the sequence of batch numbers. All code in the TISS28 DB has been updated and is fully operational for this change. All batches going forward are simply numeric.
Locating Images
There are two methods that can be used to locate an image. Simply by serial number - this is the serial number entered on the form at the hospital. There are duplicate serial numbers and this method will return all potential matches but will show the following information:
- Site
- Unit
- Serial
- Batch No
- First Date
- Image File - with the option to open and view the file (click the button next to this field on the form)
An alternate method is to search based on a combination of: Site + Unit + Serial
This method reports the same data outlined above.
Backups of the Forms
The forms are backed up from the scanner PC to X:\TISS28\ExportData\Images
Supplementary Information
Other things to resolve with data processing
- site STB ICMS & STB ICCS - will want a PROGRAM & not a data collector to correct the location name on form for STB
- if STB_ICMS convert to STB_MICU
- if STB_ICCS convert to STB_CICU
Is this an outstanding problem? If so, please add to Change Priorities. Ttenbergen 19:32, 2014 April 30 (CDT)Trish Ostryzniuk 18:33, 2015 March 13 (CDT)Template:Potential Change
Trouble shooting of the tiss 28 forms
- If encountered problem like this message "the instruction at 0X3894ffo"
- Go to X:\Tiss28
- Then open the ExportData with 2 folders 1) Images 2)Archives.
- Archive is the csv data of the batch you scanned and verified after you commited the batch in the Teleform it goes to the Archive folder.
- Sometimes the error messages shows up when commitng so I dont import the batch and check what is the problem.
- Some of the common error are if the Location or the Site is incorrect it just give you this error message"the instruction at 0X3894ffo
- Go To Access database into the Edit Tiss data click find and enter the serial number.
Original transition from TISS76 to TISS28
- Example: If patient has one page already completed in December and a NEW TISS form is started Jan 1, is this page number 2?
- as addressed in email over holidays, doesn't matter what number is used since the field is not imported. Ttenbergen 11:10, 2013 January 7 (EST)
January 1, 2013 - New TISS28 forms; we will scan all pages for entire patients LOS in ICU. New form will have 7 days per form. TISS28 data will NOT be uploaded to master TMSX (Critical Care) database. See TISS28_data_specifications#Location_of_data about where thsi will be stored.