Arrive DtTm field
This field is currently being implemented, please check the instructions and put a discussion for anything that isn't clear.
The Arrive DtTm field contains the time a patient physically arrives at Service/Location field.
Collection Instruction
For each patient enter the date and time the patient physically arrived on the ward.
Feedback about date/time fields
Let's discuss items common to the 4 time fields at Accept_DtTm_field#Feedback_about_date.2Ftime_fields.
Data Use
Many things, need to pull them together Ttenbergen 12:59, 2016 March 21 (CDT)
Template:CCMDB Data Integrity Checks
- paneling; which of these actually runs?
- query check_panelled_primary_but_adm_NE_tr admit and transfer ready dttm must be same
- function Panelling_admit_transfer_same(Pat_ID)
- Minimal Data Set - or at least the date part is, will need instructions for that.
Template:Discussion Need to pull together existing and implement for new situation
- Function ADT_Chronological()
no comments
For Medicine this concept is related to old ER wait date an time.
For ICU this concept is related to the old Admit date and time.