Adding a CCI or ICD10 entry in CFE
This page explains how to add data to L_ICD10 table / L_CCI_Picklist table / L_CCI_Component table from CFE. This should only be done for profiles with RecordStatus vetted.
The problem
These tables use a unique index in L_ICD10_ID / L_CCI_Picklist_ID / L_CCI_Component_ID that is generated during sending by combining the D_ID with a number that auto-increments on a given laptop. That is, this ID that must be unique is not auto-generated by the table automatically. If you were to try and paste lines into these tables without populating the index field you would get an error:
- Index or primary key cannot contain a Null value.
To add a new CCI or ICD10 code in CFE, we need to generate a D_ID that will work now and won't ever be duplicated automatically by CCMDB.accdb in the future. See #Generating the *_D_ID.
Also, if we are going to copy/paste dates (e.g. Dx Date) we need to be sure that we won't get a month-day vs day-month mistake. See #Date format.
Generating the *_D_ID
It should not let you do an addition to L_ICD10 if there is a duplicate L_ICD10_ID, but the trickier part is to make sure that future entries also won’t break this. The L_ICD10/CCI tables uses an auto-incrementing number for this. So, the way to make sure that we won’t have a duplicate in the future is to fudge these when we do a manual addition like this: use a totally unrelated code that we can be reasonably sure won’t be re-used. For example <D_ID>_z22.9add_<incrementing number>(eg. H9_HSC_MICU_123_someReason_1). Field size is 30, so make sure whatever you use is not longer than that.
Date format
If a date is displayed as mm-dd-yyyy on the donor sheet, but as dd-mm-yyyy or other in the recipient table, we could introduce mistakes. Make sure the donor table lists these as yyyy-mm-dd, since that format is not ambiguous and usually treated correctly on pasting. Be careful with this since the local settings of the PC have an influence on this, so don't just accept the default for this, but make sure cells in excel are explicitly set to this format (right-click, format cells, number tab, date, custom, put "yyyy-mm-dd" in the "Type:" field).
individual entries
- for individual entries just make up an ID and put it into the right-most column in CFE
lists of entries
- if whole lists of dxs or CCIs need to be added, e.g. by query, you could generate a query or excel sheet to generate these.
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