Bed census.mdb
Legacy Content
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- Explanation: discontinued 024-12-06
- Successor: Provincial Capacity Management Dashboard
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WRHA Regional Daily ICU Bed census (White Board) has stopped and has been replaced by the Provincial Capacity Management Dashboard starting January 6, 2025
The ICU utilizes this process to collaboratively manage all ICU beds in the Region. The Critical Care Finance Director uses the bed census data for administrative purposes.
On May 3, 2012 this process became electronic. See: File:BedCensusAnnouncement Letter May 2012.pdf.
To see the actual ICU white board itself, go to: Electronic ICU bed census.
The task of coordinating with ehealth Staff on issues related with the Bed Census website, and maintaining of the Bed census database were assigned by the Critical Care Program Directors to the Statistician of the Critical Care Database.
Bed Census Data Collection Process
- Individual ICU’s in the city must fax forms to HSC MICU when there is a bed change in their unit.
- The HSC MICU unit clerk manually enters the information directly into:Electronic ICU bed census [1]
- The HSC-MICU unit clerk updates the electronic "White Board" every time a change of beds form is faxed in from Winnipeg and Brandon ICU .
- The ICU/Medicine Data Processor picks up the faxed in bed census forms twice a week from the main ICU and being used to confirm if any questionable data will arise. Since 2020 when COVID started and working from home, the ICU/Medicine Data Processor told the HSC_MICU unit clerk to dispose the forms into confidential waste.
ICU/Medicine Statistician
- The ICU/Medicine Statistician downloads the data from the Electronic ICU bed census and prepare the data for import to the WRHA Critical Care Daily Bed Census-Version2020.mdb .
- From the downloaded data, only the record before and closest to 3:00 pm for each date and unit will be selected and uploaded to the bed census database.
- When the downloaded data is getting bigger, a copy of the last downloaded data is relabeled with time periods and saved in the folder S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census\Legacy_BedCensusData. The Statistician gets in touch with the ehealth contact staff to tell about changing the start date of the downloaded data into a more recent date.
Location of Bed census data
- Master: S:\Critical_Care\Patient_DB_Reports\Bed_Census/WRHA Critical Care Daily Bed Census-Version2020.mdb
- Backup: of bed census.mbd also on Statistician C drive.
Who has access to Bed Census shared folder
The staff that have access to the share folder for Bed census.mdb are the Critical Care Directors (Nursing, Medical and Finance), the Critical Care Admin Assistant, p:Julie Mojica, p:Pagasa Torres
Request for Data Sharing with MCHP
In June 5, 2024, the first request for sharing the WRHA Critical Care Daily Bed Census with MCHP has been approved by the Critical Care Director, Dr. Boyan Paunovic to be used for a project titled “Post-Tracheostomy Outcomes in Mechanically Ventilated ICU Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study” by the principal investigator, Dr. Kristen Gray of the Anesthesiology Residency program in the Max Rady College of Medicine at the University. The data will aid in assessing ICU structure-/process-level factors related to ICU capacity strain and outcomes.
Generating the access file
The Statistician made a copy of the Bed Census table by exporting it from the master database and importing it to another database labeled CCBedCensus.accdb. The new data table is labeled BedCensus_MCHP. Then it was zip and password protected (same password has been used as in the MCHP Export.accdb for consistency). Also copies of the Bed Census Forms containing the definitions of the data fields are also included in the zipped file. There is no patient identifier in the data file.
- The sending followed the same process as in the MCHP Export.accdb. The password protected CCBedCensus zipped file is sent via MCHP sFTP server. Julie has been given a temporary account by Rod McRae, IManager, Manitoba Centre for Health Policy.
- go to Enter the provided username and password by MCHP (see Passwords_MainOffice). Double click document CriticalCare_Medicine. Drag the zipped file to upload or choose the file to start uploading. logout.
- email the password to Dave Towns (
Bed Census Form
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