Cognos data import

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This page explains how to get data from the Cognos EPR Report into CCMDB.accdb and rolled out to collectors.


Tina receives the data in a scheduled, automated email from Chastity every morning as early as possible, usually before 8. The data is then imported into CCMDB.accdb master on Regional server and provided to collectors via regular roll-out and news and backup.

Outlook Rule in Tina's profile to get data to Pagasa

Decision Support Services sends a report to Tina. The report needs to go to Pagasa so we can schedule the automated import on a machine that sits on WRHA network at all times. So, there is an outlook rule "Cognos to Pagasa" in Tina's Outlook profile to forward the email to Pagasa from Chastity.

Scheduled Task on Pagasa's PC

There is a scheduled task on Pagasa's PC that calls LoadCognos.bat early each morning.

  • it pulls the data from and Excel sheet in an email that is sent to Pagasa (from a Chastity who is works in decision support)

When run on Tina's computer the process will roll out any current changes in the local file; if anything was changed, update log saying it has been rolled out! There should be no instructions required if the scheduled task running LoadCognos.bat works. Follow the trail through that file if troubleshooting is required.


Cognos Error/ Problem Log

  • 2020-Oct-5 - Monday - Task schedule screen stuck open Monday morning. This seems to occur because data is sent by email from Chastity on both Saturday and Sunday. Because Pagasa is not in during the weekend to delete the email from Chastity with data in email, the task scheduler then does not run on Monday. Pagasa has to run it manually when she comes in before 0900.
  • '2020-Sept 28- Oct 2.20 - Task schedule ran without issue.
  • 2020-Sept-27 -Cognos task schedule, script screen hanging open. Did not run properly. Chasity email came at 0701. Pagasa ran task manually and deleted to emails from Chastity on Sat, Sun and Mon. (Task is scheduled to run at 0740 hrs).
  • 2020-Sep-27 - Cognos task schedule did not appear to run o Sunday. Email from Chastity 0716. No email sent out to staff.
  • 2020-Sep-26 - Cognos task schedule ran on Saturday. Email came from Chastity 0730. Task schedule seemed to run ok. Email sent out.
  • 2020-Sep-25 - Cognos ran no problem today after we changed the time.
  • 2020-Sep-24 - We changed the Task scheduler to run @ 07:40 instead of 07:15, Chastity emai came 07:01, The task scheduler error window message gave the following message: Network problems preventing connection to microsoft exchange 61315439.
  • 2020-Sep-18 - Did not work. Chasity email at 0702 and task scheduler ran 0716 but was hanging open when Pagasa came in. She had to run it manually. Note: Task scheduler had also ran over the weekend and sent email out to staff Sat Sept 19.
  • 2020_Sep_18 - Email from Chasity came in at 0701 hrs. Task schedule ran at 0716 hrs. Successfully ran on it's own today.
  • 2020_Sep_15 - Email from Chasity came in at 0731 hrs. The Task scheduler ran at 0732 hrs. Black script window hanging open on Pagasa's computer. She pressed ENTER and the window closed, unlike the previous week when she had to press Ctr C to close. The email was sent to DC CC and DC Med is that NEW Cognos data is available. Staff reported that they did not get NEW, but got previous days data. Pagasa then manually ran the scheduled Task and staff reported getting today cognos data.
  • 2020_Sep_10 - Cognos ran this am 07:36 from Chastity. Run the Task scheduler (to run at 0715 daily) the black script screen ran but a message pop up asking for pw to close the ccmdb.mdb, just closed the message box and the script run but no email received for "New Cognos etc" . Rebooted my computer and re run the Task scheduler still no email. Phoned the collectors if they received new cognos and they did, but no email notice. 35 minutes later the email showed up in peoples inbox.
    • Contacted Herman about the issue. He forwarded a notice about delivery delays on Exchange this am. He later sent the updated that it was resolved before noon.
  • 2020_Sep-08 - Cognos scheduled task ran this am at 0715 (as it is scheduled). Pagasa saw black script screen hanging open when she came in at 0840 hrs. She closed out of it. She noted that Chastity's email came in in 0701 hrs. Pagasa proceeded to manually run Cognos Task Scheduler to roll out to staff. She did not see Type mismatch 13...error message box until 0910 hrs, as she had started to do other work (scanning TISS). Only difference from Friday after running cognos task scheduler manually was that the email was generated and sent out to staff that new cognos data is available in 5 min, and to run news and backup.
    • PW message box still comes up when exiting CCMDB.accdb Programs.
  • Lisa and Joanna did new and backup after requested at 0945 hrs. They report data appears to be there.
  • 2020_Sep_04 - task scheduled for Cognos ran on Pagasa computer however the error message was: for Access TYPE mismatch...13.
    • We did not know where to look for the field mismatch issue to find out which it was.
    • Pagasa tried to run the Task schedule manually and email message to staff still not generated.
  • email was not generated and sent out to staff that new cognos data is available.......
  • other bug that appeared after Cognos ran today was the CCMDB PROGRAM is popping up a PW message box when you EXIT. Had to press cancel to get rid of it. Trish Ostryzniuk 15:15, 2020 September 4 (CDT)

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