HSC ICUs Data by Patient

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Report: HSC ICUs Data by Patient
StartDtTm: Aug 2018
EndDtTm: June 2021
Contact Person : Barbara Osorio
Recipients: <names>
Frequency: monthly
MailingList: <Outlook list if applicable>
Data Dependencies : LOS Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry Transfer Delay (Critical Care) Pre-admit Inpatient Institution Previous Location Dispo Dispo DtTm Boarding Loc Service tmp entry Readmission Rate to ICU
SASFiles: S:\MED\MED_CCMED\Julie\CC Projects\2021\04_HSC_Osorio
  • Cargo

  • Categories
  • Default form:

This is not a regularly scheduled report, it is done ad-hoc, but when it is provided one quarter of data is included (unless a specific timeframe is requested).

For Decision Support HSC Dashboard ( incomplete and still in progress )

Variable Description Data Field Data type
D_ID Unique Record ID created
Person_ID Unique Patient ID (computer generated) created
RecordStatus Vetted
LOS Difference between ICU Discharge Date_time and ICU Admission Date_time LOS created
CC_Unit_Startdate1 StartDate1 on the first ICU service
CC_Unit_Startdate2 StartDate1 on the second ICU service
CC_Unit1 The first ICU service the patient stayed in a continuous ICU episode
CC_Unit2 The second ICU service the patient stayed in a continuous ICU episode
HospitalLocation Current Hospital and Unit Service/Location
ICU_AdmissionDate ICU Admission Date_time Service tmp entry dt/tm
ICU_DischargeDate ICU Discharge Date_time Dispo DtTm
ICU_TransferReadyDate Transfer Ready Date_time if available Transfer Ready DtTm tmp entry
TransferDelay Transfer Delay - Difference between ICU Discharge Date_time and Transfer Ready Date_time Transfer Delay
PreInpatientLocation Previous Inpatient location prior to ICU admission if applicable/available Pre-admit Inpatient Institution
AdmitFromLocation Previous physical location prior to ICU admission Previous Location
DischToLocation Location patient went at discharge Dispo
NextArrival Next ICU Admission Date_time if available
Difference Difference Between ICU Discharge Date_time and Next Arrival Date_time
NextHospitalLocation Location of the Next ICU Admission
PlannedSurgery Planned Surgery binary code (Y-yes, N-No) - if yes then readmission=0 Admit Type for APACHE II?
PalliativePatient Palliative Patient binary code (1-yes, 0-no) - if yes then Readmits48hrs/Readmits72hrs =0 Palliative care
NextFromLocation Previous physical location of the Next ICU admission
Readmits48hrs Readmission to ICU within 48 hours after ICU discharged? binary code (1-yes, 0-no) Readmission Rate to ICU
Readmits72hrs Readmission to ICU within 72 hours after ICU discharged? binary code (1-yes, 0-no) Readmission Rate to ICU
