Pharmacy collection
The Critical Care Database collects Drugs Collected for critical care patients. The Medicine Program does not collect any pharmacy information.
How to enter the data
In the Patient viewer, go to the Patient Viewer Tab Pharm_Flow.
For the drugs listed in the row with a date at the start, enter the number of days for which a drug was given.
For the drugs with check boxes, check the box if the drug was given even once during the admission. These drugs are not counted.
Only collect the drugs specifically listed.
Data Entry Hints
- double-click into a cell to up it by 1 (or in case of 0/1 drugs, to toggle between 0 and 1
- hover over a cell to get a popup with the drugs that are part of any of the groups we collect
- today's date automatically is put into the line when you enter a new line. This also helps to keep track of when you last counted drugs.
- you can change the date using the "+" and "-" buttons, and enter today's date using the "*" button
Data Collection Hints
- When reviewing the MAR for all drugs or flow sheets for infusions you may find it helpful to make a pencil mark after the drugs you have counted up to so that when you look at it again, the same drugs are not duplicate counted.
multiple lines for different days collected
To provide functionality similar to paper flow sheets you can add a line per day of collection. It is not mandatory to use multiple lines, the functionality is there only for data collector convenience. You don't need to list entries for a given day, the lines are there only allow you to break down your work if a patient stays for a long time. Values entered over multiple lines will be added up before sending; a listing for the sum wasn't included due to space restrictions.
no double-counting
- If 2 drugs are in the same category, only count one day for each category (don't double count).
- If a patient is on a combination of oral and intravenous for the same drug, only count the drug once per day regardless of administration route.
Do not collect drugs administered via PCA (Patient-controlled analgesia) which is intermittent. As discussed and agreed by ICU task team - Dr. Allan Garland.
No epidural or intravertebral administration
We do not collect epidural or intravertebral.
oral/nasogastric tube drugs
Be sure to collect all intravenous and oral preparations for each drug unless otherwise noted (e.g. specified continuous infusions would be an exception).
Data Integrity Checks (automatic list)
App | Status | |
Check Sub PharmCheck | CCMDB.accdb | implemented |
Query check CCI TISS Pharm Vasoactive | CCMDB.accdb | implemented |
Legacy Info
- after 2012-09-25
- Reduced number of drugs collected in L Pharm Flowsheet table
- started to collect some as yex/no boolean variables in L_Log table
- after 2012-01-01
- values collected into L Pharm Flowsheet table
- HSC collects like other sites
- change-over based on date of drug, so for profiles that straddle the change date some data could be in old and in new setup
- prior to 2012-01-01
- HSC labs were imported
- other sites were all collected as counts in L_Pharm table
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