TISS28.accdb Change Log
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This page contains Legacy Content.
- Explanation: TISS is now collected as part of CCI, so collected in CCMDB.accdb and stored in CFE / Centralized data.mdb.
- Successor: Change log
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This is the log of changes for TISS28.accdb.
- updated a bunch of things for Update of D ID to include a laptop identifier
- specifically, how D_ID is made in query qryExportFix_Add_D_ID
- updated Query TISS Errors missing days to include vetted
- updated Query TISS Errors D ID not in CFE - changed to ckeck last 90 days now that Pagasa has explained that TISS collection might be far behind.
- updated Query TISS Errors NrTISSDays NE LOS - changed to only look at discharges within the last 90 days, instead of admits since 2013
- updated Query TISS Errors TISS date out of admission - changed to only look at discharges within the last 90 days
- updated Query TISS Errors duplicate Items - to check the last 90 days of TISS items rather than all since 2016
- changed reconnector to draw from "frozen" rather than live data
- query TISS_Errors_D_ID_not_in_CFE for D_ID not in CFE Ttenbergen 16:16, 2017 November 1 (CDT)
- fixed query TISS_Error_missing_days to include the first day of the stay, was not listing that
- fixed the image open button, was using the wrong path
- added query TISS_Errors_missing_days and table Dates'. Ttenbergen 14:30, 2017 May 23 (CDT)
- Added a reconnect module to make sure all tables are linked to external mdbs properly Ttenbergen 12:26, 2017 April 19 (CDT)
- Importer
- added column D_ID to tmp_TISS_Export table
- in L_TISS_Form table, removed column BATCH_NO ; changed name of BATCH_NO_TEXT to BATCH_NO_TEXT; it's now a text field only because some are "*_old"
- updated query ImportQry to reference the new table names
- cleanup:
- removed modules basNotes, BOM_Removal, TeleForm_Update and Test_Area
- removed deprecated functions
- removed old tmp tables 2016-08-17_orphans and 2016-08-17min_patientID
- removed old tmp queries 2016-08-15_LOS attempt, 2016-08-17_min_patientID_maker, 2016-08-17_orphan_deleter_, 2016-08-17_orphan_deleter, 2016-08-17_tblTISSpatient_dedupe_form_re-assigner
- removed query 2016-08-22_lower-Casing that will not be used any longer, replaced by query qryFix_Location_Names that does more
edited on server Ttenbergen 14:48, 2016 August 15 (CDT)
- Modules, commented out some old content that doesn't seem to be used any longer.
- deleted old tables/queries
- table tblPatientDateViewSAS
- table TISS28 PROD 2012-12-11_ImportErrors
- table tblTISSReference, see TISS Item List instead
- changing processing from separate fields to D_ID:
- added D_ID to query qryConfirmImport
Version 2016-07-11
- confirming impact of Category:2016 Time and Place changes Ttenbergen 14:49, 2016 July 11 (CDT)
- impacts:
- query qryPatientDateView2 - changed to use service_location
- linked in s_dispo table from c:\ccmdb_program\ccmdb.accdb
- updated table tblTISPatient to have a D_ID field
- updated Function LoadTISSPatientData to update D_ID as well
- Replacing Julie's SAS:
Version 2013-02-28
Changes since the last version:
- Removed sorting by batch number (edit window - forms section)
- TISS Forms can now be deleted from the database via the edit window
- After importing new data, a list of forms just added to the database is displayed to allow confirmation/validation by the data processor
- Added tblTISSReport as a linked table in TISS28_Data.mdb
Version 2013-02-22
Changes since the last version:
- Grouped and added controls to the main form to access new functions
- Added new form to provide access to "canned" reports/queries
- Added Count of TISS Items query (accessible via the new form above)
- Added Patient and Date query (accessible via the new form above)
- Patched STB_CCU unit designation (removed leading space from CCU in existing data)
Version 2013-01-25
Changes since the last version:
- Cosmetic UI changes
- added vertical scroll bar to edit form
- edit form maximizes on open
- added record navigation controls to image lookup form
- Additions and deletions are now allowed on ITEMS subform (on edit form)
- Added Edit and Save buttons to the edit form; form now opens in "view" mode to prevent accidential editing of data
- Added feature on image lookup to open image PDF file
- Fixed data display issue on edit form
Version 2013-01-18
Changes since the last version:
- Added code to prevent the importing of duplicate forms
- Added form to facilitate controlled editing of TISS data elements already contained in the database
Version 2013-01-16
This is the original release of the TISS-28 database. It contains limited functionality as follows:
- Importing TISS data as generated by Teleform
- Looking up a TISS form image file name (from the corresponding SERIAL number)