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The Charlson Comorbidity Index is a method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies.
{{Reporting Indicators
| description = The Charlson Comorbidity Index is a method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies.
| indicator_name = Charlson Comorbidity Index
| created_raw = Created 
| program = Critical Care and Medicine
| indicator_start_date = 1998-09-14
| indicator_end_date =

Some [[Comorbid Diagnosis]] have '''points''' associated with them that contribute to an overall comorbidity score. This score reflects the cumulative increased likelihood of one year mortality.   
Some [[Comorbid Diagnosis]] have '''points''' associated with them that contribute to an overall comorbidity score. This score reflects the cumulative increased likelihood of one year mortality.   

*The CCI takes account of 17 chronic medical conditions
*Each of the 17 items has a certain number of points, and the total score is the sum of all of them.
**There is one tricky thing about the scoring though:
***Of the 17 there are two are mutually exclusive pairs: (a) Diabetes Mellitus with and without chronic complications, and (b) Liver disease as mild vs. moderate/severe. If you should qualify for both members of a pair, then only count the points for the more severe (higher scoring).  Example:  if you have diagnoses that qualify you for both mild liver disease and moderate/severe liver disease, only include the points from the latter.
*For a list of all diagnosis applicable that we use go to: [[:Category: Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis | Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis]] (or [[Charlson Comorbid coding (pre ICD10)#Comorbid_List]] as former may not include all sub-diagnoses).
== Derivation ==
* the actual score: [[query Charlson_Score_pre_and_ICD10]]
* ICD10 (includes all admission having [[Dispo DtTm]] starting Jan 1, 2019)
** [[Charlson Comorbidities in ICD10 codes]]
** [[Charlson Comorbidity scoring in ICD10 codes]]
* pre-ICD10 (includes all admissions having [[Dispo DtTm]] before Jan 1, 2019)
** [[Charlson Comorbidity scoring in pre-ICD10 codes]]
=== Inclusion of Age ===
* The original Charlson uses an age factor.
* There is a note in [[Centralized_data_front_end.accdb_Change_Log_2019#2019-03-21]] that I deleted a query relating to that because ''we'' don't use the age factor.
* I ''think'' I had an age factor in the [[Overstay Predictor Project Algorithm]] (it used function Charlson_score(), and I think it is older than our detailed wiki change management)
* Do we ever include the age in the Charlson score? Should we? If not, we need to clearly document that, since others looking at this score would expect us to use the original definition. [[User:Ttenbergen|Ttenbergen]] 11:03, 28 January 2025 (CST)
** No, the one I had provided with label {{=}}Charlson Score has no Age , just sum of all categories. The APACHE SCORE for sure has the AGE score and not Charlson Score. --[[User:JMojica|JMojica]] 11:26, 28 January 2025 (CST)
* Did we include age as part of the data used to generate the Overstay model? We need to use whatever we used for that in our score and generator.
** The problem is I did not see the final overstay model and I'm only relying on what was on the WIKI [[Overstay Predictor Project Algorithm]] showing the  AGE  and AgexADLmean.  In Rodrigo's model, Age is included. I would presume Leigh Anne also included it.--[[User:JMojica|JMojica]] 11:26, 28 January 2025 (CST)
*** I just re-read your original answer, and it actually addressed my question: any Charlson Score you gave them did not include that age factor. I am pretty sure the official Charlson score does include an age factor, I implemented it in CCMDB (not CFE for some reason) "L_ICD10_Charlson_Agepts" query. We had this conversation before, but then I didn't document what was the reason to omit the age from the score. It makes a significant difference to the score, so whoever uses our data (eg is it included in our dump to MCHP) would expect it to include the age portion. [[User:Ttenbergen|Ttenbergen]] 18:08, 29 January 2025 (CST) }}
== Data Use ==
* [[ALERT Scale]] score for Medicine
* Some items are use for [[APACHE II]] score for Critical Care.  For a specific list of chronic condition applicable to APACHE II scoring see:  [[Chronic Health APACHE]]
== Background ==
The Charlson Index was developed in 1987 based on 1-year mortality data from internal medicine patients admitted to a single New York Hospital and was initially validated within a cohort of breast cancer patients. The index encompasses 19 medical conditions weighted 1–6 with total scores ranging from 0–37. In the development phase of the index, mortality for each disease was converted to a relative risk of death within 12 months. A weight was then assigned to each condition based on the relative risk (RR); for example,  
The Charlson Index was developed in 1987 based on 1-year mortality data from internal medicine patients admitted to a single New York Hospital and was initially validated within a cohort of breast cancer patients. The index encompasses 19 medical conditions weighted 1–6 with total scores ranging from 0–37. In the development phase of the index, mortality for each disease was converted to a relative risk of death within 12 months. A weight was then assigned to each condition based on the relative risk (RR); for example,  
* RR <1.2 = weight 0,  
* RR <1.2 = weight 0,  
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From the weighted conditions, a sum score can be tallied to yield the total comorbidity score.
From the weighted conditions, a sum score can be tallied to yield the total comorbidity score.

== Article and related publications ==
=== Article and related publications ===
[[Media:Charlson ii article page 2 19 items with points.JPG | image of Charlson article, page 2]].  A PDF of the complete original article can be found on- [[X:\]]CCMDB_ADMIN_DATABASE\Charlson_Comorbids\OriginalCharlsonArticlePDF
* "A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation" ME Charlson
**[ PDF of article] (also: A PDF of the complete original article can be found on- [[X:\]]CCMDB_ADMIN_DATABASE\Charlson_Comorbids\OriginalCharlsonArticlePDF)
[ Article:  An electronic application for rapidly calculating Charlson comorbidity score].  Article with link to a comorbid score calculator developed in MS Excel using a macro.
**[[Media:Charlson ii article page 2 19 items with points.JPG | image of Charlson article, page 2]].   
*Copy of this calculator can be found: X:\CCMDB_ADMIN_DATABASE\Charlson_Comorbids\comorbid calculator
==[[:Category: Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis | Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis]]==
Contains '''19 primary medical conditions''' of comorbidity some of which contain subcategories of diseases related to the primary category. For a list of all diagnosis applicable that we use go to: [[:Category: Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis | Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis]] (or [[Comorbid_Disease-General_Information#Comorbid_List]] as former may not include all sub-diagnoses).
The [[:Category: Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis | Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis]] codes have been mapped to the Critical Care/Medicine [[:Category: Diagnosis Coding | Diagnosis Coding]] Index which is stored in the [[S_AllDiagnoses]] list used in [[CCMDB.mdb]].
==Comorbid List==
can't replace this with categories because not all sub-codes are included there.
[[Myocardial infarction | Myocardial Infarction]]
*    Anterior - 10201
*    Anteroseptal - 10202
*    Lateral - 10203
*    Inferior - 10204
*    Posterior - 10205
*    Right Ventricular - 10206
*    Non Transmural  (Non Q) - 10207
*    Intraoperative - 10208
*    Post OP - 10209
[[Congestive Heart Failure]]
*  LVF - 10301
*  2nd to Arrhythmias - 10304
*  2nd to Hypertension - 10305
*  2nd to Cardiac Ischemia - 10306
*  Etiology NYD - 10307
[[Peripheral Vascular Disease]]

*Cerebrovascular disease
*[ Article:  An electronic application for rapidly calculating Charlson comorbidity score].  Article with link to a comorbid score calculator developed in MS Excel using a macro.
**Copy of this calculator can be found: X:\CCMDB_ADMIN_DATABASE\Charlson_Comorbids\comorbid calculator

* CVA-Cerebral Vascular Accident - 50500
*[[Media:Quan2005.pdf | "Coding algorithms for defining comorbidities in ICD-9-CM and ICD-10 administrative data" Hude Quon]]

* [[MCHP]] Resources:
**[[Violent 2nd to dementia]]- not in comorbid list. If coded in admit or acquried this behaviour related to dementia would imply that patient has underlying comorbid DX of Dementia.
** [ SAS code to convert IC10 to Charlson]
***We don't have a QA check in ccmdb.mdb to check if code 53800 violent behaviour in admit or acquired then comobid of 52600 - dementia should be present in comorbid DX slots.[[User:TOstryzniuk|Trish Ostryzniuk]] 18:26, 2013 February 13 (EST)
** [ Deyo and Quon Charlson ranges]
**** And should we? Maybe it would be better to just change the Charlson scoring tool and tell collectors to '''not''' code both and waste one of the comorbid codes on this. As you said, it's implied, coding it adds no value. I think we should change it that way, and if we then want to add a check that ensures it is ''not'' double coded, we can do that. Ttenbergen 10:31, 2013 February 14 (EST) {{discussion}}
**** FYI, [[List of diagnoses affecting Overstay Project]] deals with this as well. Ttenbergen 16:18, 2014 September 11 (CDT)

== Legacy ==
See [[:Category:Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis (pre ICD10)]] for how Charlson was calculated before ICD10.

*Connective Tissue Disease
== Related articles ==  
{{Related Articles}}
* [[SLE]] (Systemic Lupus Erytmatosus) - 25000
* [[Rheumatoid Arthritis]] - 25100
* [[Ankylosing Spondylitis]] - 25200
* [[Dermatoyositis]] - 25300
* [[Mixed Connective Tissue Disease]]  - 25400
* [[Scleroderma]] - 25500
* [[Wegener's Granulomatosis / Granulomatosis with polyangiitis]] - 25600
* [[Pulmonary Renal Syndrome]] (Goodpastures Syndrome) - 25700
* [[Primary Systemic Vasculitis]]  - 25800
*  Sjogrun's Syndrome - 25801
*  Other Vasculitis - 258-90
* [[Polymyositis]] - - 26000
*  CollVasc Diseases - 29900
**[[Weber Christian Disease]] - 29902
**[[Polyarthritis]] - 29903
**[[Osteoarthritis]] - 29904
** [[Gout]] -299-6
**[[Erdheim-Chester Disease]] - 29905
** [[Other CollVasc Diseases]]  - 29990
*Ulcer disease
* GI Ulcer -  Gastric Ulcer - no HX of bleed - 41502
* Upper GI Bleed -  Duodenal Ulcer - 40102
* Upper GI Bleed -  Gastric Erosions - 40103
* GI Ulcer -  Duodenal (Peptic Ulcer) -no HX of bleed - 41501
Mild Liver disease
* [[Alcoholic Liver Disease | ETOH Liver Disease - Mild]] - 40787
* [[Alcoholic Liver Disease | Non ETOH Liver Disease - Mild]] - 40887
* Quadriplegia-post polio - QUADRIPLEGIA-POST POLIO - 51300
* Post Traumatic Quadriplegia -  QUADRIPLEGIA-POST TRAUMATIC - 52900
* Paraplegia, Hemiplegia - PARAPLEGIA, HEMIPLEGIA - 53700
== Renal Disease:==
*Mild definition: Creatinine 160-240  (code is 36487)
*Moderate definition:  Creatinine greater than or = 241.  (code is 36488)
*Severe definition: on chronic dialysis or renal transplant
* CRF - CRF (Chronic Dialysis) - 35100
* Renal Transplant Surgery -  80500
* Diabetes with end organ damage
* Diabetes - Diabetes-Severe - 30089
* Any tumor
* Head and neck - HEAD AND NECK CA - 70000
* Head and neck -  Nonmetastatic - 70002
* Brain  - BRAIN CA - 70100
* Brain  -  Nonmetastatic - 70102
* Mediastinum - MEDIASTINUM CA - 70200
* Mediastinum -  Nonmetastatic - 70202
* Pituitary gland - PITUITARY GLAND CA - 70300
* Pituitary gland -  Nonmetastatic - 70302
* Thyroid gland - THYROID GLAND CA - 70400
* Thyroid gland -  Nonmetastatic - 70402
* Adrenal gland - ADRENAL GLAND CA - 70500
* Adrenal gland -  Nonmetastatic - 70502
* Lung - LUNG CA - 70600
* Lung -  Nonmetastatic - 70602
* Esophagus - ESOPHAGUS CA - 70700
* Esophagus -  Nonmetastatic - 70702
* Stomach - STOMACH CA - 70800
* Stomach -  Nonmetastatic - 70802
* Bowel - BOWEL CA - 70900
* Bowel -  Nonmetastatic - 70902
* Liver  - LIVER CA - 71000
* Liver  -  Nonmetastatic - 71002
* Pancreas - PANCREAS CA - 71100
* Pancreas -  Nonmetastatic - 71102
* Biliary Tree - BILIARY TREE CA - 71200
* Biliary Tree -  Nonmetastatic - 71202
* Kidney - KIDNEY CA - 71300
* Kidney -  Nonmetastatic - 71302
* Bladder - BLADDER CA - 71400
* Bladder -  Nonmetastatic - 71402
* Prostate - PROSTATE CA - 71500
* Prostate -  Nonmetastatic - 71502
* Testicle - TESTICLE CA - 71600
* Testicle -  Nonmetastatic - 71602
* Ovary - OVARY CA - 71700
* Ovary -  Nonmetastatic - 71702
* Uterus - UTERUS CA - 71800
* Uterus -  Nonmetastatic - 71802
* Cervix - CERVIX CA - 71900
* Cervix -  Nonmetastatic - 71902
* Vagina - VAGINA CA - 72000
* Vagina -  Nonmetastatic - 72002
* Breast - BREAST CA - 72100
* Breast -  Nonmetastatic - 72102
* Skin - SKIN CA - 72200
* Skin -  Nonmetastatic - 72202
* Bone - BONE CA - 72300
* Bone -  Nonmetastatic - 72302
* Spinal Cord - SPINAL CORD CA - 72400
* Spinal Cord -  Nonmetastatic - 72402
* Thymus - THYMUS CA - 72500
* Thymus -  Nonmetastatic - 72502
* Other Tumors - OTHER TUMORS - 74900
* Other Tumors -  Nonmetastatic - 74902
**Note: recurrent tumors intentionally not in this list
[[:Category: Hematological Malignancy | Leukemia]]
* [[AML]] - 20000
* [[ALL]] - 20100
* [[CLL]] - 20200
* [[CML]]- 20300
* [[Multiple Myeloma]] - 20500
* Multiple Myeloma -  Plasma Cell Leukemia - 20501
* [[Lymphoma]] - 20400
* Lymphoma -  Non-Hodgkin's - 20401
* Lymphoma -  Mixed Non-Hodgkin's - 20402
* Lymphoma -  Hodgkin's - 20403
** Moderate or severe liver disease
* Viral Hepatitis - 7500
* [[Alcoholic Liver Disease | ETOH Liver Disease (moderate)]] - 40788
* [[Alcoholic Liver Disease | ETOH Liver Disease (severe)]] - 40789
* Non ETOH Liver Disease (moderate) - 40888
* Non ETOH Liver Disease (severe) - 40889
* Liver Transplant  - 42900
** Metastatic Solid Tumor
* Head and neck - 70001
* Brain  - 70101
* Mediastinum - 70201
* Pituitary gland - 70301
* Thyroid gland - 70401
* Adrenal gland - 70501
* Lung - 70601
* Esophagus - 70701
* Stomach - 70801
* Bowel - 70901
* Liver  - 71001
* Pancreas - 71101
* Biliary Tree - 71201
* Kidney - 71301
* Bladder - 71401
* Prostate - 71501
* Testicle - 71601
* Ovary - 71701
* Uterus - 71801
* Cervix - 71901
* Vagina - 72001
* Breast - 72101
* Skin - 72201
* Bone - 72301
* Spinal Cord - 72401
* Thymus - 72501
* [[Primary Site Unknown | Primary Site Unknown - 74800]]
* [[Primary Site Unknown | Primary Site Unknown - Metastatic 74801]]
* Other Tumors - 74901
== the list==
{{discussion}} not even sure wha this is about... why is it separate from below?
* Noonan's syndrome - NOONAN'S SYNDROME - 88600
* Ghurg-Strauss Syndrome - GHURG-STRAUSS SYNDROME - 86800
* Marfans Syndrome - MARFANS SYNDROME - 87100
* Lung Transplant - LUNG TRANSPLANT SURGERY - 78100
* Emphysema - Moderate - 888
* Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - Mild - 487
* Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - Moderate - 488
* Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis - Severe - 489
* Restrictive Lung Disease - Mild - 587
* Restrictive Lung Disease - Moderate - 588
* Restrictive Lung Disease - Severe - 589
* Asthma - Mild - 687
* Asthma - Moderate - 688
* Emphysema - Mild - 887
* Emphysema - Severe - 889
* Cystic Fibrosis - Mild - 1787
* Cystic Fibrosis - Moderate - 1788
* Cystic Fibrosis - Severe - 1789
* Bronchiectasis - Mild - 1887
* Bronchiectasis - Moderate - 1888
* Bronchiectasis - Severe - 1889
* Asthma - Severe - 689
==[[:Category: Comorbid Diagnosis | Comorbid Diagnosis]]==
*[[:Category: Comorbid Diagnosis | Comorbid Diagnosis]] - list of ALL Comorbids disease that we track.
* [[:Category: Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis | Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis]] -  list of Comorbid Diagnosis specifically related to [[Charlson Comorbidity Index]] scoring.
* [[Concept:ICD10 Charlson Comorbidity]] - [[ICD10 diagnoses]] with Charlson scores
==Collection Start Date==
September 14, 1998
== Data Use ==
*[[:Category: MOST | MOST]] score for Medicine
*Some items are use for [[APACHE II]] score for Critical Care.  For a specific list of chronic condition applicable to APACHE II scoring see:  [[Chronic Health APACHE]]
* {{discussion}} is this used in [[Reporting]]? If so, which? Ttenbergen 01:25, 2017 September 23 (CDT)

[[Category:Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis | *]]
[[Category:Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis | *]]

Latest revision as of 19:08, 29 January 2025

The Charlson Comorbidity Index is a method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies.

Indicator: Charlson Comorbidity Index
Created/Raw: Created
Program: Critical Care and Medicine
Start Date: 1998-09-14
End Date:
Reports: Directors Quarterly and Annual Report (Medicine)

  • Cargo

  • SMW:
  • Categories
  • Default form:

Some Comorbid Diagnosis have points associated with them that contribute to an overall comorbidity score. This score reflects the cumulative increased likelihood of one year mortality.


  • The CCI takes account of 17 chronic medical conditions
  • Each of the 17 items has a certain number of points, and the total score is the sum of all of them.
    • There is one tricky thing about the scoring though:
      • Of the 17 there are two are mutually exclusive pairs: (a) Diabetes Mellitus with and without chronic complications, and (b) Liver disease as mild vs. moderate/severe. If you should qualify for both members of a pair, then only count the points for the more severe (higher scoring). Example: if you have diagnoses that qualify you for both mild liver disease and moderate/severe liver disease, only include the points from the latter.
  • For a list of all diagnosis applicable that we use go to: Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis (or Charlson Comorbid coding (pre ICD10)#Comorbid_List as former may not include all sub-diagnoses).


Inclusion of Age

  • Do we ever include the age in the Charlson score? Should we? If not, we need to clearly document that, since others looking at this score would expect us to use the original definition. Ttenbergen 11:03, 28 January 2025 (CST)
    • No, the one I had provided with label =Charlson Score has no Age , just sum of all categories. The APACHE SCORE for sure has the AGE score and not Charlson Score. --JMojica 11:26, 28 January 2025 (CST)
  • Did we include age as part of the data used to generate the Overstay model? We need to use whatever we used for that in our score and generator.
    • The problem is I did not see the final overstay model and I'm only relying on what was on the WIKI Overstay Predictor Project Algorithm showing the AGE and AgexADLmean. In Rodrigo's model, Age is included. I would presume Leigh Anne also included it.--JMojica 11:26, 28 January 2025 (CST)
      • I just re-read your original answer, and it actually addressed my question: any Charlson Score you gave them did not include that age factor. I am pretty sure the official Charlson score does include an age factor, I implemented it in CCMDB (not CFE for some reason) "L_ICD10_Charlson_Agepts" query. We had this conversation before, but then I didn't document what was the reason to omit the age from the score. It makes a significant difference to the score, so whoever uses our data (eg is it included in our dump to MCHP) would expect it to include the age portion. Ttenbergen 18:08, 29 January 2025 (CST)
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

Data Use


The Charlson Index was developed in 1987 based on 1-year mortality data from internal medicine patients admitted to a single New York Hospital and was initially validated within a cohort of breast cancer patients. The index encompasses 19 medical conditions weighted 1–6 with total scores ranging from 0–37. In the development phase of the index, mortality for each disease was converted to a relative risk of death within 12 months. A weight was then assigned to each condition based on the relative risk (RR); for example,

  • RR <1.2 = weight 0,
  • RR ≥ 1.2<1.5 = weight 1,
  • RR ≥ 1.5<2.5 = weight 2,
  • RR ≥ 2.5<3.5 = weight 3,
  • and for 2 conditions (metastatic solid tumor and AIDS) = weight 6.

From the weighted conditions, a sum score can be tallied to yield the total comorbidity score.

Article and related publications

  • "A new method of classifying prognostic comorbidity in longitudinal studies: development and validation" ME Charlson


See Category:Charlson Comorbid Diagnosis (pre ICD10) for how Charlson was calculated before ICD10.

Related articles

Related articles: