Instructions for importing a batch of DSM Data

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Preliminary information, this is not active yet

see Instructions for requesting a batch of data from DSM for counterpart

We receive data from DSM that needs to be imported into our main repository.


1 I have to make/fix a connector module for this.

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories


  1. copy files to local, they are large and won't work well on a share.
  2. copy the newly received batch of data from DSM_Lab_Extract#File_Share to a different local directory that contains only those files
  3. open DSM_Labs_Consistency_check.accdb and follow the instructions in Instructions for requesting a batch of data from DSM#Instruction/steps for requesting data to reconnect the tables

Check for new labs

  1. Open DSM_Labs_Consistency_check.accdb
  2. Click the "Check DSM .csv for new labs " button
  3. pick the directory with the new data files
  4. wait for the check to complete, about half an hour
  5. if the program tells you there are new labs, review them and ask Trish or Allan if any of them should be considered as part of our counts; click "No" for this
    • open the following queries (they are based on labs imported within the last hour)
      • s_group_ListNewlyAdded
      • s_mapping_lab_ListNewlyAdded
    • If any of the new ones are identified by Trish or Allan as needing to be counted then you have to ask Tina or Julie to add them to the list; the step to add them is to put the name of the lab they will be counted as into the "Our_Lab_Name" field, but we need to confirm first that this would not result in a double-count.

There is a newly found and new added query for each; why are there two and can I delete one set?

  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories
    • If Trish or Allan says any of them need to be added talk to Tina, we can document that process when it next happens. It involves editing table s_mapping_labs or s_group to accommodate the new data.
      • Essentially it's a matter of mapping the right entry in the column that matches the reference tables to the records we want to count. If you look at it it will be pretty intuitive.

actual data import

If the above listed no new labs, or the new labs were resolved, click the "Import DSM .csv" button and follow essentially the same steps as above to import the actual data.


Move files to their permanent homes. Make sure you do all of these!

  1. Make a new directory in \\Hsc1msfp0001\med_ccmed\CCMDB\DSM Labs Imports\archive_processed and call it e.g. DSM_2019-03-27
    1. If labs were found, then copy (not move) DSM_Labs_Consistency_check.accdb to that new directory
    2. copy (not move) DSM Labs data.accdb to that new directory
  2. move (not copy) DSM_Labs_Consistency_check.accdb and DSM Labs data.accdb from your computer to \\Hsc1msfp0001\med_ccmed\CCMDB\DSM Labs Imports\ (not the archive) - this is the master version.
    • move (not copy) the folder of data you processed from the directory it arrived where we share with DSM to the archive_raw directory in the same folder (these are big so they really should be moved, not copied and left in two places)
  3. enter import date in log below

Integrity checks after import

Please note here if any are needed.

D_IDs in CFE for which no DSM labs exist

This could happen if

  • we have a bad MRN / PHIN
  • we change/fix a D_ID after we request data
  • This could also be true where no labs were sent for, eg a patient who dies shortly after arrival. In the past we would have entered a "no labs" for these. Do we want to do something similar? It would have to be Pagasa that does it. Might be a lot of extra work. Need to review. (ex. wrong D_ID when exported but found it error and so fixed it before the data for import comes back). For now we do not have an entry like that. And it might not be worth it - what would Pagasa do to check that the no-labs are legit?
  • SMW

  • Cargo

  • Categories

D_IDs in DSM data for which no CFE record exists

Could happen if we change/fix a D_ID after requesting. Problem is, we can find if one doesn’t exist, but not if one was changed, but the one that was in the export is actually in present now. Not sure how we would catch that.

Duplicate RequestNo

Should never happen due to how import works, but can check anyway.

Known issues

None at this time

How does it work


eg copy/paste and fill in the following: 
* ~~~~~ - imported batch
  • 2019 March 09 - imported data for 2018-07-11, 2018-10-31, 2019-01-23
  • 14:01, 2019 February 14 (CST) - tried to import 2018-06-19_request but there was no data there
    • imported batches
  • 11:34, 2018 May 18 (CDT) - imported batch 2018-04-05
  • 17:47, 2018 April 9 (CDT) - imported batch 2017-10-26 and 2018-01-25

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